Closed: Plagueborn Shield, Mursaat Hornbow, Demon Fangs



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2013

Girls play games too. Get over it.


Plagueborn Shield q9 Tactics
+1 Fire Magic 20%

Hornbow (Mursaat Skin)
Req 9 Insc

Demon Fangs
Req 13 Insc

Zodiac Staff
Req 13 Air 20/20 OS

SOLD - Bow for 15e
SOLD - Plagueborn Shield 20e
[Ecto @ 12k]

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

We Are the 1 Percent


Plagueborn is probably merch food imo.
Demon fangs - q13 - 10k? But really not much imo. The kind of item you throw on a thread with a buy out only and wait for someone to take it.
Mursaat Bow - might get 100k ish if you find someone that really wants it.
Zodiac Staff - Won't pc this cause its a 20/20 zodiac staff and I might be interested in it. And if I'm not, I know one other staff collector that might be

Enchanted Krystal

Enchanted Krystal

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2011

In a Kurzick retirement village, reminiscing about Magmas shields......

GW1 ???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????] ~ GW2 Teh Academy [PhD]


I gots a Q9 in Air already, so this one can be yours Buz.

As for a price, 70-80e sounds about right for a Q13. I think my Q9 was about 450e.....