Closed: OS | q9 Eternal shield -2/-2 | q9 Jitte 15^stance |
Aco Assasin
that eternal shield might run you anywhere between 100-600e but ima have to say wait on max or someone else who goes for those but the price on that is definitely all determined on the bidder/buyer of the item the rest is kinda junk tbh id personally merch those items
Good Luck to ya bud/hun
Good Luck to ya bud/hun
thx Aco, want another opinion on the Jitte tho
thx Aco, want another opinion on the Jitte tho
Enchanted Krystal
Realistic price on the Q9 dual reduction eternal would be 250-300e IMO. And FYI, if another Q8 -2/-2 Eternal was ever listed is would only fetch 500e IMO. The one forsale now cant be used as a comparison.......
Coffee Man
q9 -2/-2 Eternals has never been more than 100e, ppl have been struggling to get over 75e for them tbh (I myself when I sold mine). That being said not many have been up for sale for a long time so I will PC it at 150e+. Just my opinion tho.
Enchanted Krystal
Actually your right Coffee, I was just talking with a few peeps ingame & the general consensus is 130-150e, so my bad.