Closed: Please close, thank you
Please close, thank you
ill take kanax edge 5k
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
IGN Rayne Stormbringer
Zephyr of Light
B/o Stygian Daggers!
Zephyr Of Light
Edit : Fast & Friendly service!
Zephyr Of Light
Edit : Fast & Friendly service!

Bump ^^
A few items sold in game and on guru, thank you
Still more
A few items sold in game and on guru, thank you
Still more

I'll take a Green envoy set =)
IGN : Khan A Byce
IGN : Khan A Byce
A few more items sold,
Removed sold items from list
Still more to go
A few more items sold,
Removed sold items from list
Still more to go

I take Kanaxai Axe 5k
ign Niko Scarface
ign Niko Scarface
Bump to the stars
Bump to the stars

s/b vizu and b/o on os channeling outcast staff 20/10
EDIT: psu in and we are playing again! hope to catch you in-game soon!
Ign: Aegis Forever
EDIT: psu in and we are playing again! hope to catch you in-game soon!
Ign: Aegis Forever
Removed everything and added a few shields,
Removed everything and added a few shields,

Captain Krompdown
Shield 1 -- 15e
Shield 1 : 20e
Ig : Yakira Zu
Ig : Yakira Zu
Captain Krompdown
Rly? 25e on the heavy echo.
As the owner of Guild Wars' one and only collection of unusually heavy shields, I feel it is my duty to let you know that I'm not fuching around with this shield and that I will continue to outbid you. Feel free to raise the price if you'd like, but your attempt to purchase this shield will be as futile as your monk's attempt to lift it.
This shield requires 13 strength. Let me get that for you.
As the owner of Guild Wars' one and only collection of unusually heavy shields, I feel it is my duty to let you know that I'm not fuching around with this shield and that I will continue to outbid you. Feel free to raise the price if you'd like, but your attempt to purchase this shield will be as futile as your monk's attempt to lift it.
This shield requires 13 strength. Let me get that for you.
Rly? 25e on the heavy echo.
As the owner of Guild Wars' one and only collection of unusually heavy shields, I feel it is my duty to let you know that I'm not fuching around with this shield and that I will continue to outbid you. Feel free to raise the price if you'd like, but your attempt to purchase this shield will be as futile as your monk's attempt to lift it. This shield requires 13 strength. Let me get that for you. |
Captain Krompdown
Space Assa
60e on the 1st echovald ...........................
10e on Shield Five