PC OS Shields and swords?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Holy mother of god.

A r7 max dusk blade? Literally priceless. Before you customised it. Now, it's worth precisely 148 gold.

The r7 Longsword... 200 armbraces uncustomised. Now, it's worth precisely 156 gold.

The handaxe, ignore my pc. I got mixed up with the White Reaver

Joking apart though, you could probably get a tidy sum for the dusk blade, and the handaxe, even customised. They're so rare.

The dual reduction shields, (16 and 17) I'd expect to be in the 100e range.

Wooden bucklers...
12, about 250-300e?
14, about 75-125e?

Round shield number 19, 250-300 range?

By the way, MASSIVE respect for customising those swords. That's the way to do it




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Washington State.



So I haven't played the game in at least 5 years and was looking to get some current prices on some of my stuff. I think OS stands for before inscriptions, but if someone could clarify that would be great.

Also was wondering what some of my customized swords would have gone for now if I didn't customize them.


Originally Posted by MaxBorken View Post
Holy mother of god.

And if that Handaxe is the Tyrian skin version, 2000e+ uncustomised. Now, it's worth precisely 288 gold.

Joking apart though, you could probably get a tidy sum for the dusk blade, and the handaxe, even customised. They're so rare.
It is the Tyrian skin :P

Coffee Man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Miss Ascalon Int [dis]


Dunno if you're serious or not about the hand axe Max, but I can't for the love of my life see what's so special about it :P

On the PC note:

I can see the Req8 -5 20/+30hp Wooden hit 500e tbh, just my opinion tho..
Req8 -2wS/+45wS - I'll say 150-250e range
Req8 -3wHex/+30hp - 100e-ish

Perfect Req9 Wooden Bucklers go for around 25-50e depending on the mods. (Sold a req9 +10vsFire/+30hp for 45e, and req9 -2wS/+45wS for 30e some time ago, and both after having them for sale for quite some time)

I would say take away 5-10e off the price per Req on the higher req Wooden Bucklers with Perfect mod combos. (If that sentence makes sense..)

Dusk blade if uncustomized I'm sure would hit big numbers, how much is impossible to say tbh unless it would be put up for sale. (Not gonna happen since customized)

2 HoD Swords has been sold for 75e in last month (I sold one of them).

Hope this helps somewhat. And welcome back ^^

Also: OS in my opinion means Prenerf, aka don't drop anymore. However lately people use that term on any non-inscribable weapon (even those that still drop).

Edit: Btw you're supposed to edit ur original post, not make another post Remove and close the thread, then wait 24 hours and remake or you'll get a ban!

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


req8 wooden bucker 30 -5 20% id gun for 600-750e+, too rare to let go for any less.
30-3 req8 150e-200e atleast imo
45 stance -2 stance req8 300-400e+ imo.

req8 spiked targe, around 100e-150e+ depending on interest or right collector imo
req8 stone summit, 100e+-150e+ depending on interest or right collector imo

hand axe is probably worth around 100e-150e tops uncustomized(mistaken for his rare counter part, white scythe and even rarer counterpart krytan axe)

nice stuff tho, gl if you decide to sell.