Pls help me clean my storage :^)
ALL q9, gold inscribable:
Fiery Dragon Sword
Highlander Blade
Dual Winged Axe
Sephis Axe
Skull Shield qCommand
Guardian of the Hunt qStr
Ornate Buckler qTac
The rest
Zealous Kamas
Zealous Ancient Scythe (rare skin)
Communing Eerie Staff
Truncheon qBlood
Piranha Hammer
+30 HP
Random stuff
q12 15w/e OS Stormbow
Wintergreen Scythe
q7/11 Fast Casting GILDED ARTIFACT (Blue, Insc)
q8/12 Inspiration JEWELED CHALICE (Blue, Insc)
Unded Celestial Horse (5e/50k)
Unded Rurik (2e/20k)
Package of unded whites:
Mursaat, Griffon, Whiptail, Hydra, Jungle Troll, Siege Devourer, Thorn Wolf, Heket, Siege Turtle, Temple Guardian, Roaring Ether, Fungal Wallow, Scourge Manta, Necrid Horseman, Abomination, Shard Wolf, Minotaur || all for 40k
Unded Purples: Nian, Oola, Nornbear, 7k/ea or all for 18k.
Contact me via this thread, PM, or in-game ;; Twerkin For Dollas // Brome At Me Co
Q9 Golds, Shield Mods, Unded Horse+