WTS EL Tonics

Il Necroreaper Il

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2014

Demonic Liberation


I'm not 100% sure on prices for these, so I'm just going buy what I've been seeing at Spamadan.
The ones that aren't priced, I'm looking for offers. I'm pretty much just trying to clear out my storage of these, so I'll get rid of them for cheaper than the going rate.

Everlasting Tonics
Liva (White)
Norgue (White)
Morgahn (White)
Margrid the Sly (White)
M.O.X. (Purple)
Gwen (Gold) - 8e
Prince Rurik (Gold)
Slightly Mad King (Green) - 20e

Sorry about not knowing the prices on these, just give me a whisper in game or post an offer on here.
IGN - Il Necroreaper Il

Il Necroreaper Il

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2014

Demonic Liberation

