Hi all,
I am looking for assistance with price checking a large list of OS only items. I greatly appreciate all of your time and assistance you can provide in regards. If you can price 1, a few, or even many, I would be forever grateful.
My story if interested: After 6+ years of playing/addicted to GW1, I had moved over to GW2 upon it's beta release. Over a year later, I came back to GW1 remembering how much I loved this game and have found myself full force again. I did a major storage clean up across multiple accounts/chars, realizing that my mules had mules. I have gathered 94 OS Duplicate items that I would like to consider selling if they have value, unfortunately during that time away, the market changed significantly and I have struggled with grasping the current values for OS items.
So here it goes, I could use either a single amount or a range of low to high to accommodate starting points and acceptable offers. I am ok with either values in $ or Ectos (approx. 11k on avg at moment). Thank you in advance!!
1 Jitte Q11 Dmg+20% < 50%HP
2 Wicked Blade Q9 Dmg+15% W/Ench
3 Butterfly Sword Q12 Dmg+15% W/Stance
4 Dadao Sword Q11 Dmg+15%^50% HP
5 Short Sword Q13 Dmg+15% W/Ench
6 Crenellated Sword Q10 Dmg+15% Energy -5
7 Zodiac Sword Q10 Dmg+15%^50% HP
8 Vertebreaker Q11 Energy +5
9 Scimitar Q13 Energy +5
10 Oni Blade Q12 Dmg+15%^50% HP
11 Chaos Axe Q9 Dmg+15% W/Ench
12 Chaos Axe Q10 Dmg+15% Armor-10 (W/Attacking)
13 Chaos Axe Q13 Energy +5
14 Chaos Axe Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
15 Grinning Dragon Axe Q10 Dmg+15% W/Stance
16 Plagueborn Axe Q10 Dmg+15% W/Ench
17 Plagueborn Axe Q11 Energy +5
18 Plagueborn Axe Q11 Dmg+15%^50% HP
19 Plagueborn Axe Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
20 Plagueborn Axe Q10 Dmg+15% Energy -5
21 Archaic Axe Q10 Dmg+15% W/Ench
22 Archaic Axe Q12 Energy +5
23 Morning Star Axe Q10 Dmg+15%^50% HP
24 Morning Star Axe Q10 Dmg+15% W/Ench
25 Spiked Axe Q9 Dmg+15%^50% HP
26 Dragoncrest Axe Q12 Dmg+15%^50% HP
27 Dragoncrest Axe Q10 Dmg+15% Armor-10 (W/Attacking)
28 Dragoncrest Axe Q10 Dmg+15% W/Ench
29 Dragoncrest Axe Q9 Dmg+15% W/Ench
30 Serpent Axe (Canthan) Q11 Dmg+15% vs Hexed Foes
31 Double-bladed Axe Q9 Dmg+15% W/Stance
32 Cleaver (Tyrian) Q9 Dmg+15% W/Stance
33 Mammoth Axe Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
34 Kaineng Axe Q10 Dmg+15%^50% HP
35 Sickle (crescent) Q11 Dmg+15%^50% HP
36 Jade Axe Q11 Dmg+15%^50% HP
37 Piercing Axe Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
38 Zodiac Longbow Q11 Dmg+15% W/Stance
39 Hornbow (Mursaat) Q12 Dmg+15%^50% HP
40 Ironwing Flatbow Q12 Dmg+15% W/Ench
41 Shadow Bow Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
42 Celestial Longbow Q10 Dmg+15% W/Ench
43 Recurve Bow Q9 Dmg+15%^50% HP
44 Jade Longbow Q9 Dmg+15%^50% HP
45 Oni Daggers Q9 Dmg+15% W/Stance
46 Oni Daggers Q10 Energy +5
47 Dragon Kamas Q13 Dmg+15%^50% HP
48 Plagueborn Daggers Q12 Dmg+15%^50% HP
49 Plagueborn Daggers Q12 Dmg+15% Energy -5
50 Foehammer Q11 Dmg+15%^50% HP
51 Wolf Hammer Q9 Dmg+15% Armor-10 (While Attacking
52 Runic Maul Q10 Dmg+20% < 50%HP
53 Golden Maul Q10 Dmg+15% vs Hexed Foes
54 Tetsubo Hammer Q11 Dmg+15% vs Hexed Foes
Staves (all are HSR 20%)_
55 Plagueborn Staff Q11 Communing HCT of Restoration 20%
56 Plagueborn Staff Q9 Divine Favor Reduces Weakness
57 Plagueborn Staff Q11 Divine Favor HCT 10%
58 Amber Staff Q10 Air HCT 10%
59 Platinum Staff Q9 Earth Reduces Bleeding
60 Jade Staff Q10 Illusion HCT 10%
61 Jade Staff Q12 Earth HCT 10%
62 Jade Staff Q13 Air HCT 10%
63 Jade Staff Q11 Smiting Prayers HCT 10%
64 Jade Staff Q10 Channeling HCT 10%
65 Jade Staff Q11 Water HCT 10%
66 Jade Staff Q11 Curses HCT 10%
67 Cockatrice Staff Q10 Spawning Power HCT 10%
68 Cockatrice Staff Q12 Curses HCT 10%
69 Cockatrice Staff Q10 Illusion HCT 10%
70 Forbidden Staff Q10 Blood HCT of Death Magic 20%
71 Forbidden Staff Q12 Curses HCT 10%
72 Forbidden Staff Q10 Water HCT 10%
73 Forbidden Staff Q9 Earth HCT of Healing 20%
74 Celestial staff Q12 Channeling HCT 10%
75 Zodiac Staff Q10 Spawning Power HCT of Fire 19%
76 Zodiac Staff Q10 Divine Favor HCT of Earth 19%
77 Shadow Staff Q11 Divine Favor HCT 10%
78 Hypnotic Staff Q11 Illusion Reduces Crippled
79 Bo Staff Q11 Smiting Prayers Reduces Dazed
80 Bo Staff Q13 Air HCT of Smiting Prayers 20%
81 Bo Staff Q13 Divine Favor Reduces Crippled
82 Skeleton Shield Q10 Tac Armor +9 vs Earth Dmg HP+59w/Hex
83 Skull Shield Q9 Tac RPD -2 W/Stance Dmg HP+56w/Hex
84 Round Shield Q9 Tac Armor+9 vs Ogres HP w/Stance
85 Ornate Buckler Q9 Tac Armor+9 vs Ogres Health + 28
86 Gothic Defender Q13 Tac Health+44 While Enchanged
87 Outcast Shield Q11 Tac RPD-5/19%
88 Embossed Aegis Q10 Tac RPD -5/20%
89 Ornate Shield Q10 Tac RPD -2 W/Stance
90 Tower Shield Q10 Str RPD-5/19% HP+41 W/Stance
91 Plagueborn Shield Q9 Str RPD -2 W/Enchanted
92 Zodiac Shield Q10 Str Armor +10 vs Ogres
93 Bronze Shield Q12 Str Armor+ 10 vs Dragons
94 Plagueborn Focus Q11 FC HSR 10% Armor+9 <50% Health
Again, thank you very much. For those that contribute a significantly, I may reach out for a personal thank you!
Closed: PC needed on 94 OS Items
O O O Yoji O O O
Nothing special maybe u can get from 1e to 4e each(on dual mods)
on single mods.. i dont think its worth keeping them(usualy).
1. jitte..maybe worth something toa collector who its looking for that missing mod..
2. 8k ? q9..
3. 5k hard
4. 10-25k?
5. 5k hard
6. some ppl like that mod 15-5..still not worth much 10k+
7. 20-40k++?
8. Vorte+5e nice 30-60k+?
9. 5k.... q13
10. oni...20-35k?
11. 20k++
12. rly bad mod.. merch
13. 10k+
14. 10k..
15. 10k
16. 15k+
17. 10k..
18. 12k
19. 5k
20. merch
21. 10k
22. 10k
23. ugly skin maybe 20k
24. 5k..merch
25. common 15k+?
26. 10k
27. Merch
28. 7k
29. 13k?
30. merch
31. 10k
32. 7k
33. 10k...
34. 15k?
35. (uglyest axe skin posible
D jk maybe 10k??
36. 10k
37. 5k+
38. 4k or merch
39. NICE SKIN(req 12 not helping
40. 7k ?
41. merch..
42. 7k ?
43. maybe 16k+ ?
44. 20k+
45. 15K ?
46. 17k?
47. 5k merch
48. 10k...
49. merch 100%
50. 10k?
51. rly bad mod...no idea
52. baaaad mod
53. merch ? -.-'
54. Tetsubo ..but wtf that mod.. maybe to a collector or MERCH.
ok so:
-20/10 Staves worth 20-60k?(bo,zodiacs are nice(rare) skin)
-20/-Condition(merch even with -Dazzed..hard to sell)
-mixed mods.. like''55 Plagueborn Staff Q11 Communing HCT of Restoration 20%'' (i usualy merch those hard to sell..but depends..)
u Better merch that.
-Most of the stuff its HARD to sell because its common-
This its just my oppinion i hope it helps.
Nothing special maybe u can get from 1e to 4e each(on dual mods)
on single mods.. i dont think its worth keeping them(usualy).
1. jitte..maybe worth something toa collector who its looking for that missing mod..
2. 8k ? q9..
3. 5k hard
4. 10-25k?
5. 5k hard
6. some ppl like that mod 15-5..still not worth much 10k+
7. 20-40k++?
8. Vorte+5e nice 30-60k+?
9. 5k.... q13
10. oni...20-35k?
11. 20k++
12. rly bad mod.. merch
13. 10k+
14. 10k..
15. 10k
16. 15k+
17. 10k..
18. 12k
19. 5k
20. merch
21. 10k
22. 10k
23. ugly skin maybe 20k
24. 5k..merch
25. common 15k+?
26. 10k
27. Merch
28. 7k
29. 13k?
30. merch
31. 10k
32. 7k
33. 10k...
34. 15k?
35. (uglyest axe skin posible

36. 10k
37. 5k+
38. 4k or merch
39. NICE SKIN(req 12 not helping
40. 7k ?
41. merch..
42. 7k ?
43. maybe 16k+ ?
44. 20k+
45. 15K ?
46. 17k?
47. 5k merch
48. 10k...
49. merch 100%
50. 10k?
51. rly bad mod...no idea
52. baaaad mod
53. merch ? -.-'
54. Tetsubo ..but wtf that mod.. maybe to a collector or MERCH.
ok so:
-20/10 Staves worth 20-60k?(bo,zodiacs are nice(rare) skin)
-20/-Condition(merch even with -Dazzed..hard to sell)
-mixed mods.. like''55 Plagueborn Staff Q11 Communing HCT of Restoration 20%'' (i usualy merch those hard to sell..but depends..)
u Better merch that.
-Most of the stuff its HARD to sell because its common-
This its just my oppinion i hope it helps.
Actually you could say everything that not 15/50 or +5E is either h2s or probably merchfood...
Dualmodded shields are the only worthy thing (if they are not q7/8) but has to be low req, good skin or max mods to find a buyer for em (same for focus items)
Ppl only buy staves with 20/10 or 20/20 (if mixed should be at least form the same class, like channeling/resto)
You may find a buyer for some single item which do not fit in this guide but depends on skin mostly...
So now you can start to sort out stuff
Dualmodded shields are the only worthy thing (if they are not q7/8) but has to be low req, good skin or max mods to find a buyer for em (same for focus items)
Ppl only buy staves with 20/10 or 20/20 (if mixed should be at least form the same class, like channeling/resto)
You may find a buyer for some single item which do not fit in this guide but depends on skin mostly...
So now you can start to sort out stuff

sun strike
id merch 90% of those items.
Honestly, Sunstrike is right.
But people always look for items to kit out their heroes.
In my opinion, cut and paste the whole lot into a sell thread and take whatever offers (if you get any). Starting bid 1k in everything, and run it for five days. That ought to do it.
But people always look for items to kit out their heroes.
In my opinion, cut and paste the whole lot into a sell thread and take whatever offers (if you get any). Starting bid 1k in everything, and run it for five days. That ought to do it.