want my friends to buy accounts - is this a good deal?
i have account, want my friends to just buy online, i can give them these games on cd's if they need to load the game again, or load it quick on other computers - is it a good deal though? thanks http://www.ebay.com/itm/221433602534...84.m1555.l2649
sorry, no.
(if you read the notes--there are NO account keys, the cd's are USELESS without an account key as you can download the whole thing from anets website).
Its just someone trying to make money, the account keys are what you need to play the game, the cd's are worthless for the most part.
(if you read the notes--there are NO account keys, the cd's are USELESS without an account key as you can download the whole thing from anets website).
Its just someone trying to make money, the account keys are what you need to play the game, the cd's are worthless for the most part.
I wish i still had my original proph box, that thing was huge and had so many cds!