I am selling a few of my extra OS sheilds, please pm ingame or on here.
Gothic Defender
AR 16 r9 Strength
Received physical damage -3 (hex)
Health +60 (hex)
Gothic Defender
AR 16 r8 Tactics
Received physical damage -2 (stance)
Reduces Weakness Duration 20%
Zodiac Shield
AR 16 R11 Tactics
Received physical damage -5 (19%)
Armor +10 (vs demons)
Echovald Shield
AR 16 R13 Tactics
Health +43 while ench
Armor +10 (vs lightning)
Echovald Shield
AR 16 r10 Strength
Health +28
Received physical damage -2 (stance)
Echovald Shield
AR 16 r9 Strength
Health +42 ench
Received physical damage -5 (20%)
Echovald Shield
AR 16 r10 Strength
Received physical damage -2 (stance)
Echovald Shield
AR 16 r12 Tactics
Received physical damage -2 (ench)
Health +28
IGN: Raining Ecto
Please pm ingame or on guru. Thanks for looking!
Selling OS Shields Echos and Gothics
Raining Ecto
The Mountain
30e on each gothic
IGN: Gregor The Mountain
IGN: Gregor The Mountain
Raining Ecto
bump up my post please