"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
Echovalds, Emblazoneds, and Crystallines,
These are a few of my favorite things"
Many, if not all of these, are the finest examples of their kind left in the game. There are definitely some favorites here, and they will not go cheaply.
With that said, everything you see here IS for sale, and WILL be sold if I find the offers to be worthy. This is probably your only chance to get ahold of these.
q8 15^Stance Crystalline Sword
Notes: Probably the last q8 15^st Crystalline for sale
c/o - 250a Vic
r/b - 425a
b/o - 500a
q8 Tac Kappa Shield -2/45wE
Notes: One of a kind
c/o - 50a tooburns Still a ways to go
r/b - 160a
b/o - 200a
q8 Tac Echovald Shield -2wE/30hp
c/o - 75a tooburns
r/b - 200a
b/o - 250a
q7 Tac Ornate Buckler -2wS/30hp
c/o - 1000e sun strike
r/b - 60a
b/o - 80a
q7 Tac Emblazoned Defender Reduce Daze/30hp
Notes: Most hated Emblazoned in the game
c/o - 30a Dealer
q8 Str Echovald Shield -3/60wH
c/o - 350e Wildstar
q7 Jug
c/o - 400e sun strike
*Added 5.24 - q8 15^50 & shields for Demon hunting*
q8 15^50 Chaos Axe
Notes: Haven't seen one in a sell thread for a day or two
Notes Edit: Just kidding, now there are a bunch
c/o - 250e Handler
q8 15^50 Fellblade
c/o - 250e Jansy (r/b met) Pending Delivery
b/o - 11a
q8 15 BELOW 50 Summit Axe
Notes: Reset bids on this since I didn't notice and listed it incorrectly
c/o -
q8 15^50 Twin Hammer
c/o - 125e Max
q9 Tac Echovald Shield +10vsDemons/30hp
c/o - 800e Warrior The Known
r/b - 26a
b/o - 33a
q9 Str Echovald Shield +10vsDemons/-2wE
c/o -
q9 Str Amber Aegis +10vsDemons/-2wE
c/o -
*Added 6.1 - Diamonds, Eternals, Hammers, and more*
q8 Str Diamond Aegis +10vsOgres/-2wS
c/o - 150e System
q8 Tac Diamond Aegis -2wE/29hp
c/o - 350e General
q11 Tac Diamond Aegis -2wE/30hp
c/o - 100e Buzan
q11 Str Diamond Aegis -2wS/45wS
Notes: Too soon?
c/o -
q10 Str Iridescent Aegis -3wH/30hp
c/o -
q8 Str Eternal Shield 10vsPierce/30hp
Notes: Round 2? 3?
c/o - 250e Brewster
q8 Str Eternal Shield -2wS/45wS
Notes: Round 3? 4?
c/o - 500e Imy
r/b - 750e
q8 Str Eternal Shield -3wH/60wH
Notes: Hexed, everyone's favorite
c/o - 141e tru recycled
q9 Str Emblazoned Defender 10vsFire/30hp
c/o - 100e Myaka
q8 15^50 Summit Hammer
c/o - 115e Coffee
q8 +5e Celestial Hammer
Notes: Sunders you to smithereens
c/o -
q8 15-1hr Righteous Maul
c/o -
1 armbrace = 38 ecto
Reserves and b/o's will be revealed with interest.
Once a reserve is met, the item will be sold after 48hrs if there are no further bids. Time will reset upon higher bidding.
I'm aware that it's not easy to find armbraces for sale right now. Trading in ecto is fine at 1a=38e, but any amount exceeding the final 1750e will be traded before the item is exchanged.
Good luck.