I am looking to help out some players who are seeking assistance with virtually any mission/dungeon/quest. I am a gwamm 50/50 player and I am just looking to give back to the community.
PM me on here or in game
IGN King Swift
Free Help NM/HM
king swift
king swift
First Person To Respond to my Post Will Get a Run of Any Mission/Dungeon of their Choosing for free + 100k + Your choice of Voltaic Spear or Tormented Shield
Message me ingame @ Cyclops Blanket?
I'm coming back to the game and just need a few pointers to find my way around, if you wouldn't mind. I've got a lot of questions about builds and how to do certain things.
Thanks for this
Message me ingame @ Cyclops Blanket?
I'm coming back to the game and just need a few pointers to find my way around, if you wouldn't mind. I've got a lot of questions about builds and how to do certain things.
Thanks for this
Hey man I hope you're still doing this. I really need help finishing City of Torcqua on normal difficulty. I only do with heroes but if you can help me that would be great! Also if you don't need that Votaeic Spear I would love to have it, it would be good on my paragon
IGN Valkyrie Dimension
IGN Valkyrie Dimension
C Geass
Need mega help on Dunes of Dispair. HM Bonus is impossible -.-
IGN C Geass
IGN C Geass
Pinky Minxy
I'm doing them atm so the mishes I need help with can change over the days but ATM im thinking about:
- Divinity Coast
- Aurora Glade
- Dunes of Despair
All help will absolutely be appreciated!
IGN Pinky De Hamster
- Divinity Coast
- Aurora Glade
- Dunes of Despair
All help will absolutely be appreciated!
IGN Pinky De Hamster
Pn me if you want :xaira ftw