Have had worthless items in my bank for quite some while now and I've decided to sell the little I have. Offer any low amount unless a price is given on the item.
q9 Exalted Aegis (Green, Shield)
q9 Mallyx's Maul (Green, Hammer)
q9 Kanaxai's Axe (Green, Axe) -[SOLD]
q9 Demonic Aegis (Motivation)
The Bison Cup
q9 Deldrimor Sword (Green)
q10 Zodiac Sword 15^stance - 30k
q9 Demonic Aegis (Command, +45h^ench, -5/20% <- inscription)
Random stuff
7x Monumental Tapestries
Everlasting Xandra Tonic
Hammer of Kathandrax - 1e/12k
Small Equipment Bag
Gear mods
3x Measure for Measure - 500g ea
Riders of the Storm (+10 vs. Lightning)
The Riddle of Steel (+10 vs. Slashing)
2x Silencing Spearhead (+33% Dazed duration)
Wand Wrapping of Memory (HSR 20%)
Zelous Sword Hilt
Leave your offer and IGN down below or contact me in-game.
IGN: Shadow of Prowess
Closed: Low cost junk
Shadow of Prowess
Gray Creations
I will buy the silencing spearheads for 5k/ea
IGN: Tris The Sinn
IGN: Tris The Sinn