Q7 Strength shield ar16 gold


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Defender skin
q7 str armor 16
armor +8 vs slashing and -3 @ 9%

someone said this is a "prenerf" shield so I would assume its worth a good bit..

any ideas?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Not all r7/16 shields are worth a fortune.

Yours is definitely very old (yes, it's certainly prenerf) but the mods aren't max, so that kills it a bit.

The only way to be sure is to list it for sale, but I'd say 25-75e range.

Unless you find two nutters who like non max prenerf stuff, then it could go high.


Enchanted Krystal

Enchanted Krystal

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2011

In a Kurzick retirement village, reminiscing about Magmas shields......

GW1 ???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????] ~ GW2 Teh Academy [PhD]


Originally Posted by ToddD81 View Post
...someone said this is a "prenerf" shield so I would assume its worth a good bit..
Assumption is the mother of all F$#% ups, Max's price is correct as his sub-consciousness is one with the Spamadan trade chat.

Hope all in GW is well.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


sure its nonmax... but still its a nice skin, 2 not too bad mods and req7str which is rly rare.
id guess 75-125e would be fair

sun strike

sun strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2012


gonna go with system here, the only redeeming fact about this shield is the req, i wont be surprised if it goes pass 150e+ though. the market is getting smaller though.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Yeah, you say that, but I have a r7/16 tall shield with -5/19 and dazed 20% which hasn't gone over 15e on two separate threads. Ok, dazed is a bad mod, and the other isn't max, but nice skin, and same vintage as the one for this thread....

It was bought for about 45e I think by Xander, who kindly gave it to me.

The only way to be sure is to list it.
