there's no news from Calli so i will post this shield.
Emblazonned Q8 strengh al 16
+45 -2 ^ench
s/b = 1000e r/b = 50a (or 2000e) b/o = 75a or 3000e
War Hammer spike skin :
Q 8 15^50
s/b = 200e b/o = sorry not selling for a small offer
Q12 13^50
c/o = 10e
Chaos axe Q9
+5 | b/o = 25e (sold 1, 1left)
15^50 | b/o = 10e
ebon giant slayers Hammer Q 12
c/o = 10e
Crystalline purple : all Q9
-no inherent
-16^w hexed
Sephis Axe Q9
- +5
- 15^50
longsword Q9
plagueborn sword and plagueborn axe
Q9 +5
Q9 15^50 Oni blade
Exalted aegis Q9 tac
Q 8ies (gold and max)
-longsword +15 -10
-golden phoenix blade +15-1energy c/o = 25e
-Chaos axe 15^ench
-jitte 14^stance
amber :
-Q13 tactic +30 -2^stance c/o = 10e
-Q12 str +28 -2^stance c/o = 10e
-Q9tactic -2+45^stance c/o = 200e
Bladed shield Q9 tact
+45^ench -2^stance
Q8 crystalline
+14^vs hexed foes
c/o = 1000e b/o = none
Oni Unded
c/o = 150e
EL mad king c/o = none b/o = 20e
EL destroyer c/o = 20e b/o =20e
EL kuunavang c/o = 30e b/o = 30e
EL margonite c/o = 15e b/o = 20e
waiting for the buyer to contact me

Q8 tactic al 16 inscribable skeleton shield

mixed dye c/o = 30e/each
b/o = 60a for both
+2^-50 runes
blue or purple pm to know what i have
zaishen medaillions (selling only 3)
c/o - b/o -
stack of jade wind orbs
c/o 20e b/o give me the more you honeestly can do to have these

10/10 sudering for sword
c/o = 25e b/o give me the more you honeestly can do to have these

a pumpkin crown customized for Gaile Gray
c/o 1000e b/o - 500a
EDIT added a screen for crysta

edit : pandas and other Q8 crysta are not for sell