Will the depressing logs EVER END?!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2014


I have played Guildwars for quite a while and get sad everytime I log on recently and see the "what was" and the "has been"s. I know this game is somewhat dead and all but was wondering if anyone wanted to start (or if it already exists) some sort of nightly/weekly schedule for pvp stuff (such as Jade Quarry every mondays at 8, etc.).

I am not interested in joining any guild thanks

jon comgree

jon comgree

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2010


Let Rastigan [taNk]


fort aspenwood 10pm eastern time i think some people meet

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Ayuhmii Shanbwa

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005




yea well, i ignore the "its a dead game" for a while, but its bad for the game if people keep saying that, while if you join a nice guild, you find MANY people.... oh how dead this game is!!

its less active than years ago, but that happens to all MMO's at a point, but as long as people play and pay for it, the game can go on (hint anet, hint), so its far from dead
reasons: many people still buy it as newbie, veterans (players in GW for years) come back from other games, and play again
then many people use(d) the ingame store (and maybe some use whatever it is now) and many.... MANY bought 2 or more accounts (like me, before we could buy char slots)

anyway, if people want the game to stay alive, dont go "the game is kinda dead" just say "the game is alive, you just have to search a bit for a nice guild which does everything, then you find alot of people to have fun with" or something along those lines

if you call GW dead (which it isnt), then most people who dont have it yet, wont bother buying, and slowly the game dies, as people leave, but noone joins

anyway, still having fun (not much atm, but have alot of plans to try builds and such)

besides, if GW would be as dead as they say, then forums like these, would be completely dead, as most people are in GW, not many are on forums
so way more people in GW than on forums