OS stuff and various things


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009


Dhuum Stucker [DS]


So I've been out of the game for a bit too long I guess - any and all help is appreciated.

Outcast Stff r10 Curse 20/10
Bo Staff r11 Fire 20/19 Fire
Outcast Staff r9 Dom 20/10
Dragon Staff r9 Divine 20/10
Celestial Staff r9 Domi 20/10
Jug r12 SR - HSR Death 19% / +5A vs. physical
Eternal Shield r9 Str -2/stance +10v. Undead

r8 Comm Skull Shield (gold, inscr)
r8 Tac Tall Shield (blue, inscr)

Triple mod mausoleum stuff:
Reinforced Buckler r10 Tac (purp) -3/hex / +8v. Blunt / +24HP
Defender r11 Str (purp) +8v. Piercing / -2/hex / +24HP
Water Wand r12 Water (gold) - +5ev50% / HCT Earth 19% / HSR Water 19%

Zehtuka's Pack

r9 Fire
r12/13 Earth
r10 Channeling
r10 Dom

Most of the stuff is probably just a few k or merch food, but I wanna make sure.

Edit: Marked the mausoleum triple mod stuff as such.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Do NOT merchant the reinforced buckler, water wand or Defender.

They are triple mod items, and therefore very rare.

We have collectors in [PhD] who will be interested in those.


Don't salvage any mods from them either, and I see you edited to show the triples



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

u know where my spot is !

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer.


I don't know sht about staff so I'll let other pro look at it

Eternal 30-40e

r8 com some ecto

r8 tall same like 20~ give or take on that

For the 3 mods stuff just read max thread again

Put it up for sale if you want


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2013




Originally Posted by knege View Post
So I've been out of the game for a bit too long I guess - any and all help is appreciated.

Outcast Stff r10 Curse 20/10 - 20-30k
Bo Staff r11 Fire 20/19 Fire - idk, prob xxe
Outcast Staff r9 Dom 20/10 - 40-50k
Dragon Staff r9 Divine 20/10 - depends on interest, up to 100e imo
Celestial Staff r9 Domi 20/10 - 30-50e, depends on interest too
Jug r12 SR - HSR Death 19% / +5A vs. physical - idk sry, but I guess not that much
Eternal Shield r9 Str -2/stance +10v. Undead - idk²




are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


Just a note to let you know that you will NOT be allowed to sell the tripled modded stuff on guru! The policy has not changed.
