Hi Guys,
i need a PC on a Bo-Staff q 10 Earth 20/10
Thx in advance
Bo-Staff req 10 Earth
Hussalla Hus
Surge goes pre
100-200e tops IMO (Honestly my guess is double digit e is what it will sell for)
Someone in sell claimed to sell a q9 earth 20/9 for 300e, pretty sure that is a crock of bull and shouldn't be used to base a PC on yours.
Someone in sell claimed to sell a q9 earth 20/9 for 300e, pretty sure that is a crock of bull and shouldn't be used to base a PC on yours.
Hussalla Hus
Ok thx buddy.
Hmmm 200 seems pretty high to me for what it is...
Surge goes pre
That's why I said tops. I think double digit e like 50e is more like it. The market for these is weird.