The following undedicated miniatures are on sale. Prices are very negotiable.
Bid here or whisper my IGN: Falchion of Spirits. Alternatively, you can mail my forum account.
- Miniature Gwen
- Miniature Aatxe
- Miniature Abomination [SOLD]
- Miniature Cave Spider
- Miniature Cloudtouched Simian
- Miniature Desert Griffon [SOLD]
- Miniature Dredge Brute [SOLD]
- Miniature Forest Minotaur
- Miniature Fungal Wallow
- Miniature Scourge Manta [SOLD]
- Miniature Terrorweb Dryder
- Miniature Whiptail Devourer X3
- Miniature Wind Rider
- Miniate Thorn Wolf
Miniature Sale [undedicated]
falchion of spirits
Santana AdL
50k on Mini-Gwen
Ing: Rondrigo Santana
Ing: Rondrigo Santana
falchion of spirits
what time do you get on usually? i've been trying to catch you online
falchion of spirits
beware, some items have been sold. i edited the OP accordingly.