So my main is but I still have a cool pre-searing account, was wondering what these items would be worth, traded for post-searing. Maybe I can buy 1 cool sword, customize it and beat prophs!
7th birthday presents
Everlasting Thackery
Everlasting Zhed
Black dyes
White dyes
Oke, the list is less impressive then I thought it would be. Any replies are appreciated!
So for post-searing
A full set of (elemental/damage)
r9 shadow shield +10vs xx +30 (in that order)
Echovald shield r9 tac +10vs cold +30
r8 15^50 fellblade and longsword
A vial of dye [Grey] with a red color? Found 2 of these on my ancient pre account
Would love a reply, thanks in advance!
Pre Searing and post searing oldsq stuff
Matrix Arcade
Matrix Arcade
Would appreciate it tremedously if someone could help, for old times' sake.
Matrix Arcade
Bump, added some other items I found
Matrix Arcade
It would still be mightily appreciated!