Can you do any of these things with the UI?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2014

Hi! So far I am loving the Monk profession that you guys recommended to me. Healing in this game is a lot of fun!

I've tweaked the UI a lot with the Options screen to make it comfy for my style, but there's a few things I haven't been able to figure out. Maybe they're not possible here, but I'd rather ask before giving up.

Target of Target?
Is there any way to see who your current target is targeting? It's just a healer habit from other games to want to know exactly who a mob is looking at right now.

Focus Target?
In most MMOs I can set a Focus Target — someone I can continually monitor without affecting my normal Target (which is changing constantly).

Like, I'd love to keep that one Mesmer enemy focused so I can see them starting up their cast of ... well... basically everything those damn Mesmers do.

Ally / Enemy Effects?
Is there any way to see what specific Enchants / Hexes / Conditions are on my Party allies? Or on my current Target?

Maybe I'm just spoiled, but I feel uncomfortable not having more details about what is on who than a single yellow/purple triangle or a puke-green health bar.

Like I notice my pet cat (I'm Ranger secondary) displays all the enchants/hexes it has underneath its health frame. That's what I want! It's so useful!

TY to anyone who can clarify. ^^

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Target of target/Focus target:
No. You'll need to watch the field and see where trouble is coming from.

Ally/Enemy effects:
Somewhat. If you're playing with other people you'll need to rely on them ctrl-clicking certain things like hexes to announce them in team chat. There are also other clues than the ones you've pointed out, like the Blind condition causing a black cloud to appear in the affected persons face. Once you get heroes, you can open a panel for them like you can with the pet. For henchmen, foes and non-party members you won't have any UI to show you this info and will have to rely on other means.