Looking for a price check for these 3 shields plz :
Shield 1 :
Shield 2 :
Shield 3 :
IGN : No Ban For Me
Closed: closed
Linus Tapedur
Core skin.
Maybe 20-30e top.
Maybe 20-30e top.
Surge goes pre
Agreed. Maybe a little less.
Coffee Man
yadda yadda yadda I love you both but 20-30e for a q10 core skin? >.<
5-10e tops.. And I think that's high even.. anyone paying more shouldn't be paying more..
5-10e tops.. And I think that's high even.. anyone paying more shouldn't be paying more..
Agree with coffee 5-10e
Linus Tapedur
Ty for your help.
***mod edit---no---mod edit***
***mod edit---no---mod edit***
Linus Tapedur
Bump. Added 2 Echovalds and 1 Amber Dualmods