

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

ING: King of Kmoese

German Trade Elite [金金金金]


check please

Maybe I'll keep it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

WTB Q8 Fire/ES Staffs And OS Crystallines!

Teh Academy [PhD] - Tomb of the collectors


I'd say anywhere between 2000e and 100a, at least that's what I'd happily spend on if I was looking to buy such a guild. To me it's more about the history (even if it's only extended edition. Which I bought my way into once haha). Not sure what proper guild traders would value it at, maybe more maybe less

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

We Are the 1 Percent


I'd say unless you have a really classic gold like EviL or something. It's worth less than 100a. The original rawr is probably more than 100a too. Same with KMD.

But there is a new gold trim almost every month. So the supply is always increasing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Dallas, Texas

Zero Quality [zQ] /[LaG]/[USA]/[iQ]


From my experience of modding and offers I've had on zQ/USA With gold trims the price is very volatile and it ranges quite a bit.

Overall - it is a you can get as much as a buyer is willing to pay for it.

But there are some guidelines to follow...
*Guilds that have been sold over and over ("slut" guilds) have a much lower value. Examples: eF, most LaG's, most rawr's etc etc.
*Guilds that have never been sold do generally go for a higher price.
*Guilds that have never been sold before and have a good name go for a higher price than the one above.
*Guilds that have never been sold before, have a good name, and have a nice history go for a higher price than any above. (EvIL, WM, iQ, EW)

And then you always have your outliers that are willing to look past the resold history of a guild and will pay more than others would pay for it.

Zephyr of Light

Zephyr of Light

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2013

In Z-Way We Trust.


i'm still hoping one day, to get my alt acc into Last Pride..
..... one day... ;_;


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2012

ING: King of Kmoese

German Trade Elite [金金金金]


Faiths sold the guild to me may 2013, then I was inactiv. I never invited leechers, just some friends.