All pets are unded.
1. & 5.: Whiptail Devourer, 2k ea
2. Mini Abomination, 13k
3. Flowstone Elemental, 30k
4. Necrid Horseman 2k




10. Sundering Spearhead 20/18, 2k
11. Jade Armor, 2k
12. Sundering Bowstring 20/16, 1k
13. Sundering Spearhead 20/19, 2.5k
14. EL Zhed Shadowhoof Tonic, 70k
15. EL Goren Tonic, 5k
16. Ancient Axe of Fortitude:
(q9, health +30
inscr: guided by fate: dmg+15% while enchanted)
17. Zealous Naga Shortbow of Fortitude:
(q10, dmg+15%
energy -5
gain on hit: 1
regen -1
health+29) - 10k
18. Jin's Hornbow <GREEN>
(q5, dmg+10%
armor -10 while attk
19. Barbed Platinum Longbow of Fortitude
(q11, bleed+33%,
inscr: to the pain!: dmg+15+
armor -10 while attacking) - 20k
20. Vampiric Celestial Longbow of Defense
(q9. dmg 14/50
armor +5
life drain: 5
health regen: -1) - 20k
21. Icy Blade Axe
inscr: vengeance is mine!: dmg 19/-50)
22.Ebon Razerclaw Scythe of Scythe Mastery
(q10, scythe mastery +1 (20% chance)
inscr: dance with death: dmg+14% in stance)
23. Fiery Gladius, <BLUE> q6
24. Fiery Gladius, <BLUE> q7
25. Fiery Dragon Sword <BLUE> q9
26. Vampiric Split Chakrams of Shelter
life drain: 3
health regen -1
armor +7-vs physical
inscr: vengeance is mine: dmg+19%/-50)
27. Fiery Greater Sage Blade of Enchanting
(q12, enchantments 19% longer
inscr: let the memory live again: halves recharge of spells 10%)
Feel free to offer on anything that already has a price, ones without a solid are ones i'm not too sure of, so offer on those too.
Please message me on here if I am not online ingame.
ign: Sono Cosi