Closed: Bo, Platinum and Dragon Staff



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2014




Hey friends!

Merry Christhmas at all!

Can you help to know prices of these items:

1) Bo Staff Q11 water magic 20/10
2)Bo Staff Q11 Domination Magic 20/10
3) Bo Staff Q10 Fire Magic 20/10
4) Bo Staff Q9 Blood Magic 20/19 (Domination magic)
5) Platinum staff Q9 Blood magic 20/10
6)Dragon staff Q11 Air magic 20/10
7) Dragon staff Q10 Death magic 20/20 (Curse)

Thank you very much and have a nice game

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

We Are the 1 Percent


1. 50k
2. 75k
3. 75-100k
4. Merchant
5. 100k-20e
6. 75-100k
7. Merchant.