Hey guys, i would like to pc a beautiful shield:
Echovald shield (q9 tactic)
Domination magic +1 (20%)
-2 while enchanted.
Thank you for your help !
Q9 Echo +1 domi -2we
Surge goes pre
Maybe like 30e. Shame it's not +30 too.
Zephyr of Light
More like 40-60e to me.
Great skin, Req 9 and tactics, always a plus.
Ench is okay, health would be better, Domi is stronk.
Great skin, Req 9 and tactics, always a plus.
Ench is okay, health would be better, Domi is stronk.
Agree with Zeph, I sold the exact same one for 80e (might be this one?)
Hey guys, thanks for helping Vizi, it's possible that's your shield