need price check for these please just came back to the game
i know its alot of screenshots but any info helps thanks in advance
price per dose on keg please
also have some minis all unded
candysmith marley
krait neoss
roaring ether
harpy ranger
forest minotaur
celestial rat
word of madness
some items
Zephyr of Light
35-60k on all inscrip weps.
20-30e on the Eternal Bow. (lets keep it real)
How much will the summons go for?
Safe too say around 250-350g/ea
Alcohol/Party around 60-120g/ea
20-30e on the Eternal Bow. (lets keep it real)
How much will the summons go for?
Safe too say around 250-350g/ea
Alcohol/Party around 60-120g/ea