Quitting sale : q7, q8+ OS, BDS, e-blade, pvp and random stuff, etc. Take a look !
50e #7sword ..............
c'mon system 55e on sword #7
Arimado Eo
-reinforced defender q8 command (gold) (2) 25e/each
IGN: Arimado Eo
IGN: Arimado Eo
Surge goes pre
85e on shield #21
150e #11 shield
Matrix Arcade
160e on #11 ogogog
The Cutlass
26- 25e
Pvp stuff:
-stone summit shield q8 tactics insc (gold)
-reinforced buckler q8 tactics (blue)
-skeleton shield q8 tactics (blue)
-shield of the wing q8 tactics (blue) (2)
-wooden buckler q8 tact (blue)
-aegis ar15 q7 tact
15k for each of the above
26- 25e
Pvp stuff:
-stone summit shield q8 tactics insc (gold)
-reinforced buckler q8 tactics (blue)
-skeleton shield q8 tactics (blue)
-shield of the wing q8 tactics (blue) (2)
-wooden buckler q8 tact (blue)
-aegis ar15 q7 tact
15k for each of the above
200 on #11
lets see how this goes xD
lets see how this goes xD
250e shield 11
Surge goes pre
90e on shield 21 - thanks
95e on shield #21
Surge goes pre
100e on shield 21
Rise Today
125e on daggers #4 please
stone summit shield q8 tactics insc (gold) - 15e
Enchanted Krystal
#10 crenellated q8 14^50 (purple)
c/o 3e Warrior Bradols
b/o 20e
b/o for me plz
c/o 3e Warrior Bradols
b/o 20e
b/o for me plz
Buy. Out on skimitar and q8 stance oni
Also buyout on the q8 bows I previously bid on
Ign revenge of mojo
Also buyout on the q8 bows I previously bid on
Ign revenge of mojo
150e on dagger 4
Edit : No B/O but SOLD ? thanks a lot -_-
Edit : No B/O but SOLD ? thanks a lot -_-
Zephyr of Light
Meh.. b/o crysta.
Im Uber
b/o on q8 cele long bow
titans are immortal
125e #3/4 daggers
EL Phantasmal 10e each if your willing
IGN: Darkness Is Divine
IGN: Darkness Is Divine
Q12 obsidian edge - 15e
#13 Icy Chaos Axe - 10e
Oppressor Scythe - 3e
IGN: Hurin Rudelius
#13 Icy Chaos Axe - 10e
Oppressor Scythe - 3e
IGN: Hurin Rudelius
The Necrotic God
q12 Insp BDS - 50e
EDIT: Retract. Bought in game.
EDIT: Retract. Bought in game.
btw..maybe I missed it..when does this end?
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
- Post a bid or do not post
- Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email
- Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
- There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid.
- In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
-aegis ar15 q7 tact 5e
The Cutlass
-aegis ar15 q7 tact 6e
EDIT: retract all my offers, no need anymore for the items.
reinforced defender q8 command 35e ea.
1e ea on swords 6, 11 & 14.
10e on shield 8
5e on shield 29
Ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
10e on shield 8
5e on shield 29
Ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
summit warlord shield q8 tactics insc (gold) - 80e pls !
#2 Mursaat Hammer q9 15^50 - 20e
#3 Zodiac Hammer q8 15^-10armor - 20e
IGN: Morningstar X
#2 Mursaat Hammer q9 15^50 - 20e
#3 Zodiac Hammer q8 15^-10armor - 20e
IGN: Morningstar X
Arimado Eo
-reinforced defender q8 command (gold) (2) 45e/each
reinforced defender q8 command 50e ea.
IGN : Obscure Vestige
IGN : Obscure Vestige
chakra gorn
70e q12 inspiration BDS IGN Jack The Shade
#5, #29 - 5e/ea
#5, #29 - 5e/ea
Arimado Eo
-reinforced defender q8 command (gold) (2) 60e/each
IGN: Arimado Eo
IGN: Arimado Eo
q8 vertebreaker 15 w/stance - 60e
IGN: Embers In Ashes
IGN: Embers In Ashes
thanks to everyone
going to sell some stuff soon even if the r/b's are not reached
cya in game
this is a bump
going to sell some stuff soon even if the r/b's are not reached
cya in game
this is a bump
SB shield 20
SB sword 12 please
SB sword 12 please
Im Uber
shield 29 +30 10e/ea