several weapons, Chaos axe, Storm bow, CCs.. PC please:)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007

Hey guys,
I'd love to get a PC on the following items, can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

Gloom Shield q9 strength, inscribable

Celestial Axe q10, inscribable

Chaos Axe q9, 14^50

Storm Bow q11, 15^50

Celestial Compass q11 earth inscribable

Celestial Compass q13 fast casting inscribable

Colossal Scimitar q13 insc.

Broadblade Scimitar q13 insc

deathmaster felix

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007



Chaos Axe is merch food in my eyes
storm bow maeby 5-10k
earth cc 5-10e
fast cast cc 3-5e

would merch the rest


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007

hey, thanks for your info
just to get this straight: are we talking about 100k + xy ectos or ectos only?
I took quite a break from gw1 and I cant really remember..