WTB os curses wands + foci
As the title says, im looking for os curses wands + foci preferably with both hct and hsr mods, can be 10/10 as well as specific for curses. Req doesn't matter, and i cant afford a 20/20 so not lookin for perfects. Grapes do fine as well if they got both hct + hsr curses. Post what you got. Thanks
i have q9 10/10 accursed icon gorgon skin
interested in the gorgon skin focus, pm me for the price and we can arrange a trade.
interested in the gorgon skin focus, pm me for the price and we can arrange a trade.
Mixed with req in SR but hsr or hct in curses is fine too
Mixed with req in SR but hsr or hct in curses is fine too