Worth anything or I can give it to heroes ?
Healing Ankh r9 Healing Prayers - HCT Healing Prayers 20%, armor 5 vs psychical damage
Paper Fan r12 Divine Favor - HCT 10%, HSR Divine Favor 20%
OS Hornbow ( Mursat skin ) 15% damage more while enchanted
Thanks in advance
OS Healing Ankh, Paper Fan and Mursat Hornbow
Pan Piela
The Fan is worth probably like 150e imo.
Divine Favor kind of kills the value, but still very nice!
Divine Favor kind of kills the value, but still very nice!
probably around a stack atleast anything with a 20% and another 10 or 20% mod is super rare.
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Pan Piela
Thanks guys, this is a good news for me Nice bonus to Canthan Vanquisher
Pan Piela
C/o is 150e so you have right
Next question, OS Mursat Hornbow q9 15% damage more while enchanted is worth something ?
Next question, OS Mursat Hornbow q9 15% damage more while enchanted is worth something ?
I wouldn't bother wasting time in kama trying to sell that Mursaat so merch.com
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I don't think that even in q9 you will easily sell that mursaat bow. If It's q8, then its worth a couple hundred ecto at least and would be worth selling.