following mods:
q10 Tactics Gothic Defender
+10 Armor vs Demons
+42hp while Ench
any prices?
Thanks anyway
PC on OS Demonsmod shield
Obsidian Power
20-25e perhaps?
Might be an affordable starter shield for DoAsc..... If you can find a starter speed clearer....
r10 and 3 off max kills it a bit.
Might be an affordable starter shield for DoAsc..... If you can find a starter speed clearer....
r10 and 3 off max kills it a bit.
Obsidian Power
ok how lucky that i know a person who pays me 700-1ke for it
ok how lucky that i know a person who pays me 700-1ke for it
700-1ke is the range i'd expect for a perfect r9 tactics version.
Stop lying. Yours is junk at best, and if you can find a lunatic prepared to pay 700e for your junk, then you really should take it. But you won't, because its a lie. This is a price check forum for asking experts about the value of items, and what you are doing is unhelpful. And reckless and irresponsible.
Why ask for a price check if you think you already know the answer? (You clearly don't know the answer judging from the comedy buyout prices you have set in your sell thread.)
And yes, do your homework on me. I know what I'm talking about. I'd merch that shield. 25e isn't worth my time to try selling it