Helping someone "Transfer"
Miles Militis
Rant on.
So I'm in Amnoon Oasis, waiting for a friend to logon, when I see someone by the name of GIMMO BRAINZ [CC] ask for some help transfering some money. I think, "Well, I'm not doing anything here, He'll probably get ripped off by someone else, Why Not?"
He says he's trying to craft some pieces, which I'm sympathetic about since I had just spent almost 6 Plat doing the same. He states things like, " Please don't rip me off..",,,, Yada yada, "your not going to rip me off, are you?"
Of course not, I'm not that type of person. As I said to him earlier, I'm just waiting for someone here, So may as well be me to do a transfer.
He then says... "I almost have enough to get the first piece.. Do you have any gold to borrow. If you lend me 1000, Ill give you 2000 when I come back with other charactor." ........."Sure", I say. Then he needs another 500. Ok again.
So far, its been about 10 minutes. He goes non responsive for a while, then after bantering him, he says " Ok, loggin on other charactor, brb"
And it ends there.
I know , I was asking for it. And I know its only 1.5 platinum, but its the point that matters. You think your doing someone else a favor, then some punk kid decides to rip you off.
Rant off.
Anyway, just wanted to publicly state this persons name and Guild, and blow off some steam. Don't do any favors for this person, it won't be obliged.
Any recourse suggestions?
So I'm in Amnoon Oasis, waiting for a friend to logon, when I see someone by the name of GIMMO BRAINZ [CC] ask for some help transfering some money. I think, "Well, I'm not doing anything here, He'll probably get ripped off by someone else, Why Not?"
He says he's trying to craft some pieces, which I'm sympathetic about since I had just spent almost 6 Plat doing the same. He states things like, " Please don't rip me off..",,,, Yada yada, "your not going to rip me off, are you?"
Of course not, I'm not that type of person. As I said to him earlier, I'm just waiting for someone here, So may as well be me to do a transfer.
He then says... "I almost have enough to get the first piece.. Do you have any gold to borrow. If you lend me 1000, Ill give you 2000 when I come back with other charactor." ........."Sure", I say. Then he needs another 500. Ok again.
So far, its been about 10 minutes. He goes non responsive for a while, then after bantering him, he says " Ok, loggin on other charactor, brb"
And it ends there.
I know , I was asking for it. And I know its only 1.5 platinum, but its the point that matters. You think your doing someone else a favor, then some punk kid decides to rip you off.
Rant off.
Anyway, just wanted to publicly state this persons name and Guild, and blow off some steam. Don't do any favors for this person, it won't be obliged.
Any recourse suggestions?
People like that anger me to no end. You will find them in Guild Wars and any other game out there. The only thing you can really do is try your best to WTFPWN them if you meet in PvP...and of course ruin the reputation of both him and his guild.
But it seems you already know that one.
But it seems you already know that one.

Miles Militis
Its just adding to my growing dislike for the majority of the GW players. I've been playing this game for a while now, and it bugs me to no end the average maturity level in game. Where are all the older players?? I haven't run accross a decent PERSON (person, not player) in game in days now... What is going on ? Did you all give the game away to the kid down the street??
On a side note, if there are any mature guilds out there, send me a PM. Me and a few compadres are looking for a serious mature guild to have some fun with.
*Alt tabs back to Tyria*
On a side note, if there are any mature guilds out there, send me a PM. Me and a few compadres are looking for a serious mature guild to have some fun with.
*Alt tabs back to Tyria*
I have met a lot of good people in my time. Most of the people I have met and became friends with are aged from 18-45. The guild I am in, Shadow Spawn, mostly consists of 18-22 year old players. Being 18 myself I fit in well.
There are children in any online game out there. If I join a party and I see a member or two run off by themselves and not even bother listening to a single word of strategic planning by anyone, I just leave right away and find a new group.
Don't let any immature people get you down. The community here is great once you learn how to tell the difference between a mature person and an idiot.
There are children in any online game out there. If I join a party and I see a member or two run off by themselves and not even bother listening to a single word of strategic planning by anyone, I just leave right away and find a new group.
Don't let any immature people get you down. The community here is great once you learn how to tell the difference between a mature person and an idiot.
Devil's Dictionary
All I can say is: don't lend, don't borrow.
If you want to do someone a favour, give him some gold. Expecting something in return will only make you feel bad and make futile assumptions about the general GW public if the guy's a scammer. Sorry: I know it's not of much help.
If you want to do someone a favour, give him some gold. Expecting something in return will only make you feel bad and make futile assumptions about the general GW public if the guy's a scammer. Sorry: I know it's not of much help.
Hey, you just fell for a 419 scam in a game... *didn't think that was possible*
Miles Militis
That's true. But it's a problem when you have to go WAAAAY outa your way to find a "mature" team. I'd say on average, I go through 3-4 teams now before actually settling in with a team and doing a mission. While I'm sure there are mature players out there somewhere, i think they are smart enough to stay within their respective guild/group. I'm speaking more on the percentages here.
Im getting away from my original point here, but i guess its on similar wavelengths.
1. This game is very strategic, especially in the latter part of the game.
2. In your PUGs, most the time, youll have 1-3 people who are unreceptive to strategy. Which in almost every case, leads to the teams demise.
Which equals out to alot of wasted screwup mission attempts which are not your fault. I guess its just part of the game.
Take the good with the bad, eh?
Im getting away from my original point here, but i guess its on similar wavelengths.
1. This game is very strategic, especially in the latter part of the game.
2. In your PUGs, most the time, youll have 1-3 people who are unreceptive to strategy. Which in almost every case, leads to the teams demise.
Which equals out to alot of wasted screwup mission attempts which are not your fault. I guess its just part of the game.
Take the good with the bad, eh?
I'd have to agree with you Miles Militis. GW is a very strategic game due to the intracasies of the class divisions and the pairing of professions to make a round character and group. For the past 3 days, I have been grouping with henchmen only because the maturity level in this game is depressing. I thought I'd left all the ignorant kiddies back at high school and EQ. Unfortunately, we were all wrong. It would be nice to set up a Guild Wars Guru guild or set aside certain districts and times in cities where serious players could team up and play the game like it was meant to be played. Anyone want to set that up?
I think I hate immature people in games more than an adult does...I'm 14 years old...and all it does is create a bad name for the minors out there who know how to act and aren't complete pains in the ass.
I've gotten scammed as well, buddy. It's quite annoying, and I can only imagine some little 8 year old kid across America laughing his head off (in a very high-pitched, cracking voice).
Unfortunately, if I try to join a mature community, I am automatically dismissed as immature, even if the people don't know me. I've never scammed anyone in my life (don't believe me if you wish), and don't plan to. If you can't get what you want, whether it be gold or satisfaction, from playing the game RIGHT, just leave.
I've gotten scammed as well, buddy. It's quite annoying, and I can only imagine some little 8 year old kid across America laughing his head off (in a very high-pitched, cracking voice).
Unfortunately, if I try to join a mature community, I am automatically dismissed as immature, even if the people don't know me. I've never scammed anyone in my life (don't believe me if you wish), and don't plan to. If you can't get what you want, whether it be gold or satisfaction, from playing the game RIGHT, just leave.
Fortunately for me, by some odd stroke of luck, I have never had to leave a team because of lack of maturity or general stupidity. I cannot understand why this happens, but I am just lucky.
Also, i have never been scammed. ever. never even overcharged for an item...
I read about everyone getting scammed and coming up with really rotten teams, but I can't say I can relate
Also, i have never been scammed. ever. never even overcharged for an item...
I read about everyone getting scammed and coming up with really rotten teams, but I can't say I can relate

I'm right there with you Blythe. I started obsessively playing online games around 13 to 14 with good, old DiabloII. Then, I moved on to some online shooters and such. Yes, people tend to prejudge those of the age in which immaturity flourishes, but there is almost always an exception to every rule; I have seen an old man throw a tantrum because his football team lost and I have seen a child genius beat a 40 year old man at chess. With age, comes responsibility and experience, so in a sense, Guild Wars is like life: playing time sometimes does not equal skill.
By the way, I am 17.
By the way, I am 17.

Well, some elementary school kids seem more mature than some of the teens on the was difficult and took me 3 hours, but I tutored one kid (I don't really know his age but I'm guessing 9 or 10) about almost all I knew about the game. The challenge was actually quite fun. Not related to GW, some 11-year-old ran over my TS server because I had accidentally set it to Public (silly me). I helped him for 2 hours and he successfully had a TS server up and running on his computer. At least there are some good kids around.
Dunno if I should be saying 'kids;' I'm still only 17.
What I hate are people running around and going "what's up my niggas?" and also just plain throwing expletives and slurs left and right. At least I havent seen anything as offensive as a name I saw in HL2DM ("Jews are just white n****rs")
Oh, well. I try to live with it and yell when I have to. WTB rune of major spammer killing.
Too bad about the transfer; personally I never loan to anybody but my friends.
Dunno if I should be saying 'kids;' I'm still only 17.
What I hate are people running around and going "what's up my niggas?" and also just plain throwing expletives and slurs left and right. At least I havent seen anything as offensive as a name I saw in HL2DM ("Jews are just white n****rs")
Oh, well. I try to live with it and yell when I have to. WTB rune of major spammer killing.
Too bad about the transfer; personally I never loan to anybody but my friends.
Miles Militis
Originally Posted by Spartan2
It would be nice to set up a Guild Wars Guru guild or set aside certain districts and times in cities where serious players could team up and play the game like it was meant to be played. Anyone want to set that up?
We're looking for anyone of with some sort of reason, and common sense. That at this point would be a change over most of what I've seen. We are a group of 4 people playing the game out under the guild kept from Beta. We planned on playing the RP out, then possibly joining a guild with better PvP Ladder status if our numbers didn't grow.
I welcome all mature players to respond either via PM , or email me at [email protected]. We currently DON'T have a cape, because most of us think they don't go well with most armor sets. Especially Ranger, with their cloaks, and cape. Our guild name is Lethal Intent.
Thanks for the responses gentlemen. I already managed to farm around 3 platinum since this, So its all water under the bridge. I won't fall victim to this again, which is a shame since I'm sure its nice to get a favor every now and again .
If anyone wants to look me up in game, my name is same as my forum name.
Originally Posted by Miles Militis
Rant on.
[CC] Is one I haven't seen too much of but I'd be leary of it.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Hey, you just fell for a 419 scam in a game
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Hey, you just fell for a 419 scam in a game... *didn't think that was possible*
Mountain Man
Not sure what the original poster is complaining about. You should have been able to see that scam coming a mile away. I mean, if he was wanting to transfer gold to another character then why would he be asking you for money? Scammers only have power because some people are naive and gullible.
And for the curious, here is the official United States Secret Service description of the 419 scam.
And for the curious, here is the official United States Secret Service description of the 419 scam.
Good Info Mountain Man thanks for the link, I was familiar with the scam just did not know the name.
Ouch, I have to say. I somewhat feel bad, but I somewhat do not. That was pretty naive of you, but you were doing it to be a good guy.
I wouldn't have lent the money at all in the first place.
At least now he will not be able to do that anymore, vaults will have plat transfer.
I wouldn't have lent the money at all in the first place.
At least now he will not be able to do that anymore, vaults will have plat transfer.
Sorry to say I probably won't join your clan, Miles. You're a good guy, obviously generous (=P), but I just am not a fan of playin the RP out. =/