I got that guild for sale atm.
No middle man/moderator will be used, i am the owner of the guild and i will handle the deal my self. Many people on the forum will vouch for me at anytime if you dont know me already. You can also do some research on me on the forum.
There's the thing
Purple Trim, rank 35, [Inc]
Bump Bump Bump
I'll offer 150e
Bump, id like a bit more for this !
Changing offer to 250e
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
EDITED by Cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID
- Post a bid or do not post
- Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email
- Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post.
- There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid.
- If you decide to change your bid edit your existing post.
- In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban