Ingame name : Asyrr Du Promo, if not online can also try to reach Artemus Exilius. I reserve the right to sell these items in game.
Normal weapons
Draconic aegis q10 command B/O=15e
Demonic aegis q10 tactics=60k
Demonic aegis q11 tactics=35k
Hornbow mursaat skin B/O=60k
Oldschool weapons
OS Falchion q8 B/O=10e

Gothic Axes
Feel free to offer!
S/B =10e
C/O =??
B/O =??
Stone summit shield q8 tactics inscrib.

S/B =10e
C/O =??
B/O =??
Celestial shield q7 tactics OS +10lightning -3hexed

OS Shields!