To make this easy I am putting b/o for most items. Reserve bids are usually within 10% of b/o price
r/b 1000e b/o 1150e
r/b 400e b/o 500e
prenerf sword hilt: b/o 55e
Plaguehornbow: c/o 50e shamus eisha b/o 65e
Unded minis:
Kuunavang 190e
Gray Giant 90e
Varesh 90e
Asura 50e
Pre-Searing Items
I will take either black dyes presearing or ectos post
Closed: WTS Some OS/Pre Nerf Items updated 6.13.2015
Sonya of Red
Sonya of Red
bump bump bump
Sonya of Red
bump bump bump
50e on plaguebow
ign shamus eisha
ign shamus eisha
EDIT: Retracting Offer
Sonya of Red
bump bump bump
Sonya of Red
bump bump bump
Sonya of Red
bump: added cryst sword and req 8 shield
Bump to the bump
Sonya of Red
bump 7:06 am bump