Guild Wars at E3 2005 On-Stage Guild Challenge: Own the Devs & Aim for the Stars We have a great opportunity for the top guilds of Guild Wars to show their mettle! Our Own the Devs Challenge (or is that "Pwn the Devs?" ) will allow you to take on the Guild Wars Devs. Or, if you're particularly brave, why not Aim for the Stars and challenge the top guild from Korea to a little guild-versus-guild action? Both contests will be broadcast live on the big screen at E3, and the winners will receive special prizes! Own the Devs (Guild challenge against a Dev pick-up group) Wednesday, May 18: 11 am, Noon, 3 pm, 4 pm Thursday, May 19: 10 am, 11 am, Noon, 3 pm, 4 pm Friday, May 20: 10 am, 11 am, Noon Aim for the Stars (Korean Guild Challenge) Wednesday, May 18: 1 pm and 2 pm Thursday, May 19: 1 pm and 2 pm Friday, May 20: 1 pm and 2 pm Here's how it works: If your guild is one of the top 50 guilds on the Guild Wars ladder, you are eligible to throw your hat into the ring. Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: Your guild name Your current guild ranking A contact email address for the guild leader The days and times you are available for a challenge, in order of preference We will set up the schedule for E3 and let the guild leader know of the scheduled day and time. If more than one team requests the same challenge hour, we will give first choice to the guild with the highest guild ranking as of 12:01 a.m. Pacific on Saturday, May 14th. The guild leader will contact all participating members (we recommend possibly having an additional player or two on hand) and inform them of the date and time of the match. The guild will be online in a formed team of eight players and ready to accept the challenge at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the match. Those guilds who are interested in participating but who are not on the official schedule can be added to a backup list, so that if the scheduled guild is unable to participate in any given hour, a challenge will be issued to one of the guilds on the backup list. Scheduling is critical. If a guild is not in place and ready to play at the given hour, the Dev group will move to the backup list or will simply issue a random guild challenge instead. Registration ends at Noon PDT Sunday, May 15 Prizes: Winners of the Own the Devs contest will receive a special Guild Wars t-shirt made especially for this event. Winners of the Aim for the Stars contest will receive the special Guild Wars t-shirt and, in addition, a copy of Guild Wars signed by the Guild Wars Dev Team. Prizes will be mailed after the show, using postal mail addresses supplied by the guild leader. Allow 4 weeks for arrival of the prize. Limit one prize per player. The decision of ArenaNet staff on participation and winners will be final. |