Lets start this off good
taking offers on all idems
Req 8 long sword 15% ws c/o b/o?
15/50 weps
Req 9 spatha 15/50
Req 9 dusk blade 15/50 c/o imfamous 20e
Req 9 mammoth axe 15/50
Req 9 falchion 15/50
Req 9 runic axe 15/50 x2
Req 9 short sword 15/50
Req 9 Broadsword 15/50
Req 9 Brute sword 15/50
Req 9 dadao sword 15/50
Req 9 gothic axe 15/50
Req 13 fire paper laterns +45we +10 vs slashing
Req 9 water frost artifact armor +5 20% poisen
Req 9 water frost artifact armor +5 / +15e energy -1
Req 10 water frost artifact water magic 19% / armor +5
Req 13 air storm artifact armor +5 / halves casting time 10%
Req 13 fire flame artifact +30 / +10 dragons
Req 10 energy storage jug halves casting 10% armor +5 while casting
Req 9 amber longbow 15/50
Req 9 bramble longbow 15/50
Req 9 ironwing flatbow 15/50
Req 9 15% -5e c/o imfamous 10e
Req 9 20% wh
Os staffs
Req 13 earth staff 20/20 (Canthan skin)
Req 11 fire staff 20/20 (core skin)
Req 11 air shadow staff 20/20
Req 9 fire staff 20/10 (Canthan skin)
Req 9 fire staff 20/10 (core skin)
Req 9 water staff 20/10 (core skin)
Req 9 accursed staff 20/10
Req 9 blood platinum staff 20/10
Req 9 earth platinum staff 20/10
Os shields
Req 10 tac gothic +10 vs plant -2we c/o falco 15e
Req 10 shadow shield +10 vs piercing +45we
Req 9 tac ornate buckler -2we +10 vs piercing c/o falco 15e
Req 11 shadow -2ws +10 vs blunt
Req 10 shadow -2ws +10 vs undead
Req 10 tac bladed shield -5 19% +44 ws
Req 12 strength gothic -2we +28
Req 9 strength amber -2ws +43 ws
Req 12 strength -2we +10 vs blunt
Req 11 strength gothic -5 20% +45 we
Req 9 tac wooden buckler +10 vs plants -2ws c/o imfamous 10e
Req 10 strength tower shield +28 -2ws
Req 9 tac -3wh +10 vs fire
Req 9 tac amber -5 20% +27
Req 12 ornate buckler -2we +44 we
Req 11 tac reinforce buckler -2we +10 dragon
Req 9 shadow shield +10 vs blunt +43 ws
Req 12 strength ornate shield -2we +10 vs demon c/o falco 15e
Req 11 strength ornate shield -2we +10 vs blunt
Req 12 tac echovald -3wh +10 vs earth
Req 9 strength amber -2ws +27
Req 10 ornate shield -5 20% +10 vs demon
Req 9 tac skele shield +10 dragon -2ws c/o imfamous 10e
Req 11 tac skele shield -5 20% +43 we
Req 9 tac crude shield -5 20% +44 ws
Req 11 strength echovald +30 20% dazed c/o imfamous 25e
Req 10 tac gothic shield -2we +44 ws
Req 11 strength gothic -2we +29
Os +5e weps
Req 9 runic axe +5e x2
Req 9 gothic axe +5e x2
Req 9 wingblade sword +5e
Req 10 broadsword +5e c/o woo 50k
Req 9 Morningstar axe +5e x2
Req 7 sunqua blade +5e (non max)
Req 9 cleaver +5e (canthan skin)
Lets finish it up with this
Req 8 golden pheniox blade
Ign: Peony Flower
Closed: lots of OS weps / shields
Peony Flower
Req 10 broadsword +5e, 50k
falco lombardo
Req 9 tac ornate buckler -2we +10 vs piercing
Req 12 strength ornate shield -2we +10 vs demon
Req 10 tac gothic +10 vs plant -2we
IGN: Falco Lombardo
Req 12 strength ornate shield -2we +10 vs demon
Req 10 tac gothic +10 vs plant -2we
IGN: Falco Lombardo
Req 9 dusk blade 15/50 - 20e
Req 9 tac wooden buckler +10 vs plants -2ws - 10e
Req 9 tac skele shield +10 dragon -2ws - 10e
Req 11 strength echovald +30 20% dazed - 25e
Req 9 15% -5e - 10e on it if it's a Jitte
Req 9 tac wooden buckler +10 vs plants -2ws - 10e
Req 9 tac skele shield +10 dragon -2ws - 10e
Req 11 strength echovald +30 20% dazed - 25e
Req 9 15% -5e - 10e on it if it's a Jitte
Peony Flower
bump bump bump
Julio Dudule
5e on bramble longbow
IGN Samade Busore
IGN Samade Busore
Ham Rock
75k on q10 +5e broadsword
ign: Emma Of Love
ign: Emma Of Love
Ill Rabbit Ill
Req 9 Jitte 20% wh - 10e
Req 9 runic axe 15/50 - 10e
Req 9 runic axe +5e - 10e
Req 9 strength amber -2ws +43 ws - 10e
IGN: Drift Kid
Req 9 runic axe 15/50 - 10e
Req 9 runic axe +5e - 10e
Req 9 strength amber -2ws +43 ws - 10e
IGN: Drift Kid
5e on q11 ornate shield - -2we +10vsblunt
IGN: I I pie I I
IGN: I I pie I I