Want to sell all the minipets I have. Here's a list of what I have (some I have more than 1).
Please leave your IGN or PM me if interested in any of these. Thanks.
30k for everything.
Miniature Fungal Wallow
Miniature Temple Guardian
Miniature Aatxe
Miniature Fire Imp
Miniature Heket Warrior
Miniature Juggernaut
Miniature Mandragor Imp
Miniature Wind Rider
Miniature Cave Spider
Miniature Cloudtouched Simian
Miniature Forest Minotaur
Miniature Irukandji
Miniature Abomination
Miniature Krait Neoss
Miniature Kveldulf
Miniature Ophil Nahualli
Miniature Scourge Manta
Miniature Seer
Miniature Siege Devourer
Miniature Summit Giant Herder
Miniature Burning Titan
Miniature Fire Drake
Miniature Flowstone Elemental
Miniature Nian
Miniature Nornbear
Miniature Ooze
Miniature Candysmith Marley
Miniature Prince Rurik
Miniature Shiro
Miniature Flame Djinn
Miniature Lich
Closed: WTS: Minipets From A Returning Player