Hi got two of em, what can I get for ? (in armbraces)
Was expecting 40a ea am I right ?
Wsp'd surge about the scroll to explain abit , I wouldn't own such a thing but a rich guildi claimed to have one so as I'm curious wanted a pc for it, I'll post a screen as soon as this guy will show me it in trade even if Idont believe myself that such a thing exists
Still looking for Rift pc's
PC mini rift warden unded &
wanna heal myself
Gentleman Xander
q8 2020 earth scroll (gold&uninscr)
if you really have this.. there is no price tag for it if it has matching mods
if you really have this.. there is no price tag for it if it has matching mods
Surge goes pre
Also got a q8 2020 earth scroll (gold&uninscr) , what would it worth ?
If you really do own it and every stat is hct/hsr on matching earth and the scroll is max +12 energy, congrats on your 50-100a+. Whatever you want that you can get someone to pay. If you are trying to get one of these, you never will unless you already own it.