P/c Os Bds q12 Water
+5 energie
+20% Enchant
Old School Bds
The Moon Spider
kring of the peloi
viewed in game, of course it just lacks the inscription slot
not entirely sure if there's really a market so it'll be a hard sale
75-90e imo
not entirely sure if there's really a market so it'll be a hard sale
75-90e imo
20e max... just a useless staff with a rare skin
I would agree with system I don't see it getting past 20e
there are plenty clean collectors around and seen these sell 50-100e depending req and attritube
q12 water id say lower 50eish
q12 water id say lower 50eish
Zephyr of Light
I like.
Expect a lowball pm offer from a certain person
Expect a lowball pm offer from a certain person