Closed: still holding! Dualvamp Broadsword/Shinobi! 3/17/16!
Sorry for no pics:
-q9tac Outcast Shield +29hp/-2stance- c/o 30e (hyori)
-q9str Celestial Shield +29hp/-2stance- r/b 20e
-q10tac Celestial Shield +29hp/-2ench- r/b 15e
-q10tac Skull Shield +29hp/-2ench- b/o 14e
-q11str Exalted Aegis +30hp/-2ench- c/o 65e (andy) r/b 75e
-q9str Exalted Aegis +28hp/-2ench- c/o 8e (perfect kid) r/b 25e
-q11tac Plagueborn Shield +30hp/-5(19%)- c/o 12e (hyori) r/b 20e b/o 30e
-q11tac Shield Of The Wing +45stance/-2stance- r/b 35e
-q12tac Bronze Shield +45stance/-2stance- r/b 35e
-q11tac Aegis +45ench/-2ench- r/b 35e
-q10str Diamond Aegis +45ench/+10vOgres- c/o 5e (burnic)
-NEW q13tac Tall Shield +41ench/+10vDemons-c/o 10e (perfect kid) r/b 25e
-NEW q12tac Skull Shield +60hex/-3hex- b/o 5e
-NEW q12tac Crude Shield +10vPierce/-2stance- b/o 10e (travie) pending trade
-NEW q10tac Shield Of The Wing +10vEarth/-2stance- b/o 4e
-NEW q11tac Tall Shield +10vCold/-5(20%)- b/o 6e
-NEW q11tac Round Shield +10vEarth/-2ench- b/o 18e
-NEW q13tac Wooden Buckler +10vSlash/-2stance- b/o 5e
-NEW q9str Bladed Shield +41stance/-2stance- c/o 10e (hyori)
-NEW q9tac Amber Aegis +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q13tac Tall Shield +10vEarth/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Bladed Shield +9vPierce/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Echovald Shield +44ench/-2ench- c/o 65e (seriouspokemon) r/b 85e
-NEW q9str Shadow Shield +10vUndead/-2ench- c/o 200e (in game)
-NEW q9tac Emblazoned Defender +30/-3hex- c/o 30e (generouswasme) r/b 70e
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +10vSlashing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +45ench/-2ench-
-NEW q10str Diamond Aegis +41ench/-2ench-
-NEW q11str Magmas Shield +41ench/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Shield Of The Wing +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Skull Shield -2ench/+30hp-
-NEW q9tac Ornate Buckler -2ench/+45ench- c/o 280e r/b met(FastGun via PM) b/o tba
-NEW q9tac Ornate Buckler +30hp/-5(20%)- c/o 20e (FastGun) r/b 225e
-NEW q9str Bronze Shield +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Round Shield +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Exalted Aegis -3hex/+45ench-
-NEW q8tac Exalted Aegis +42ench/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Amber Aegis +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Spiked Targe +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q9str Defender -3hex/+56hex-
-NEW q10tac Round Shield +44stance/+1Inspiration(20%)-
-NEW q12str Defender +43ench/+1curses(19%)-
-NEW q9tac Shield Of The Wing +10vPiercing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +10vSlashing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +45ench/-2ench- c/o 20e (willow) r/b 60e b/o 80e
-NEW q12tac Emblazoned Defender +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac Emblazoned Defender +30hp/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Wooden Buckler +30hp/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Wooden Buckler +29hp/-5(20%)-
-NEW q11str Embossed Aegis +10vSlash/-2stance-
-NEW q9str Tower Shield +28hp/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac PRE NERF Reinforced Buckler +49hex/-5(18%)-
-NEW q10tac Spiked Targe +10vPierce/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac Tall Shield +43ench/Earth +1(20%)-
-NEW q10tac Shield Of The Wing +43ench/Protection +1(20%)-
-NEW q9tac Reinforced Buckler +30hp/Reduced Deep Wound 20%-
-NEW q12tac Reinforced Buckler +10vFire/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Bladed Shield +41ench/-5(20%)-
-NEW q11tac Round Shield +10vBlunt/-2stance-
-NEW q10tac Aegis +43ench/+10vSlashing-
-NEW q13tac Bladed Shield +44stance/+10vSlashing-
-NEW q10tac Amber Aegis +45ench/+10vSlashing-
q9 os 15^50 weapons
-Shinobi Blade c/o-15e (andy) r/b 25e
-Gothic Sword(3x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Piercing Axe(2x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Scimitar(2x)- b/o 5e
-Celestial Axe- b/o 12e
-Forked Sword(2x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Longsword- b/o 5e
-Celestial Longbow(2x)-
-Plagueborn Daggers- b/o 9e
-NEW Double-Bladed Axe(2x)-
-NEW Short Sword(2x)- b/o 8e
-NEW Jade Longbow- b/o 5e
-NEW Kaineng Axe- b/o 10e
-NEW Mammoth Axe- b/o 10e
-NEW Hand Axe(canthan)- c/o 15e (generouswasme) r/b 25e
-NEW Marble Hammer- b/o 9e
-NEW Kris Daggers- b/o 4e
-NEW Amber Longbow-
-NEW Wicked Blade- b/o 8e
-NEW Bramble Shortbow-
-NEW Bramble Longbow-
-NEW Spiked Axe- b/o 7e
-NEW Cleaver(canthan)(2x)- b/o 12e
-NEW Halo Axe- b/o 15e
-NEW Dadao Sword- c/o 10e (andy)
-NEW Platinum Blade-
-NEW Sunqua Blade-
-NEW Dusk Blade- b/o 20e
-NEW Battlepick-
-NEW Archaic Axe-
-NEW Cleaver(tyrian)-
-NEW Golden Talons-
-NEW Shortbow(feathered)-
-NEW Jitte- c/o 10e (hyori) b/o 20e
-NEW Platinum Sickles-
-NEW Hooked Daggers-
-NEW Gilded Daggers-
-NEW Icy Dragon Sword-
-NEW Broadsword-
-NEW Brute Sword-
-NEW Bludgeoner-
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
-Bo Staff- Channeling; Blood(2x); Illusion; Air, Smiting-c/o 3e (trademeimfamous) Communing, NEW- Spawning - (also q10 20/10 Dom, Fire, Water, Smite, Curses, Channeling, Blood, Communing)
-Platinum Staff- Domination, Smiting, Spawning, NEW- Channeling
-Dragon Staff- Illusion; Spawning, Communing, Fire-
-Outcast- Channeling, Earth, Death, Smiting, Blood, Curses, Domination, Communing, Illusion
-Cockatrice- Earth
-Celestial Staff- NEW- Fire
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Dirks- b/o 6e
-Korambits- b/o 6e
-Celestial Daggers-
-Celestial Longbow- b/o 4e
-Half Moon- b/o 8e
-Jade Sword- b/o 20e
-NEW Longbow(wooden)- b/o 6e
-NEW Platinum Longbow- b/o 8e
-NEW Flatbow(wooden)- b/o 6e
-NEW Jade Daggers- b/o 6e
-NEW Runic Axe- r/b 15e b/o 20e
-NEW Dragoncrest Axe- c/o 10e (andy) r/b 30e
-NEW Marble Hammer- b/o 7e
-NEW Morningstar Axe- r/b 20e b/o 30e
-NEW Kris Daggers- b/o 5e
-NEW Broadsword- r/b 125e
-NEW Spiked Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Stilletos- b/o 5e
-NEW Dadao Sword- r/b 125e
-NEW Mammoth Axe(2x)- r/b 20e
-NEW Cleaver(canthan)- b/o 20e
-NEW Cleaver(tyrian)(2x)- b/o 20e
-NEW Piercing Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Hand Axe(tyrian)- r/b 20e
-NEW Gemstone Axe- r/b 20e
-NEW Double-bladed Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Plagueborn Sword- r/b 70e
-NEW War Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Grinning Dragon Axe- r/b 25e
-NEW Shortbow(feathered)- r/b 7e
-NEW Celestial Sword- r/b 30e
-NEW Sickle(crescent)- r/b 125e
-NEW Gladius- r/b 15e
-NEW Battle Axe- r/b 15e
Random stuff
-q12 20/10 Dragon Staff-illusion- b/o 4e
-q11 20/10 Dragon Staff-water- b/o 4e
-NEW q11 Bo Staff- domination 20/20 inspiration-
-NEW q13 Bo Staff- illusion 20/20 inspiration-
-NEW q11 20/10 divine Bo Staff-
-NEW q12 20/10 divine Celestial Staff-
-NEW q13 os +5e Sickle- c/o 2e Blueberrypie b/o 5e
-NEW q10 os +5e Battlepick(420g value)-
-NEW q10 os +5e Broadsword(3x)- c/o 15e (andy) b/o 35e/ea
-NEW q10 os +5e Dragoncrest Axe-
-NEW q11 os +5e Fellblade-
-NEW q12 os +5e Piercing Axe-
-NEW q10 os +5e Cleaver(canthan)-
-NEW q11 os +5e Dadao Sword- c/o 2e (perfect kid)
-NEW q12 os +5e Shinobi Blade- c/o 10e (perfect kid)
-NEW q12 os +5e Crude Axe-
-NEW q13 os +5e Crenellated Sword- c/o 2e (blueberry) b/o 6e
-NEW q13 os +5e Runic Axe- b/o 2e
-->NEW q9 Broadsword 15%stance-
-->NEW q9 Katana 15%stance-
-->NEW q11 Cockatrice Staff water 20/20 water- c/o 10e (The Mountain) b/o 12e
---->NEW q13 Winged Staff smite 20/20 smite- c/o 10e (Minami) b/o 20e
---->NEW q9 Celestial Scepter-illusion- +5e(hexed)/HSR 10%- r/b 15e
---->NEW q9 Bo Staff- Water 20/20 Air- r/b 5e
---->NEW q9 Dragon Staff- Channeling 20/20 Spawning- r/b 5e
---->NEW q9 Healing Ankh +5armor(while casting)/HCT Protection 20%-
---->NEW q8 max +10e/(11-22dmg) Ghostly Staff- blood magic - HSR 0%/HCT 10%- c/o 1a (Zephyr); There is only HCT inherent (in gold). NO HSR INHERENT MOD- WHITE OR GOLD
---->NEW Unded Rift Warden- c/o 300e (unexpected oni) r/b 500e
---->NEW q9dom Topaz Scepter-
---->NEW q9dom Platinum Wand-
---->NEW q9 Colossal Scimitar(insc)- b/o 6e
---->NEW q9 Sephis Sword(insc)- b/o 6e
---->NEW q9 os Platinum Sickles 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Zodiac Daggers 15^ench- c/o 3e (CoffeeMan)
---->NEW q9 os Dadao Sword 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Fiery Dragon Sword 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Hand Axe(Canthan) 15^ench-
---->NEW q10 Jitte (inscripted)-
---->NEW q9 os Katana (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Jitte (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Hand Axe (canthan, NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Broadsword (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Shinobi Blade 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q10 os Broadsword 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q12 os Hand Axe(tyrian) 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q12 os Ironwing Flatbow 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW Drago's Flatbow-
---->NEW q9 Air Staff(normal) 20/20 air-
---->NEW q13 Dragon Staff- smiting prayers 20/20 smiting prayers- c/o 80e (minami) r/b 100e Selling soon!
---->NEW q12 Outcast Staff- curses 20/20 curses-
---->NEW q13 Bo Staff- divine favor 20/20 smiting prayers- b/o 10e
---->NEW q11 Outcast Staff- spawning 20/20 restoration-
WTB q9tac Bladed Shield +30/-2ench and +30/-2stance- paying very well!
Jamie Amare
-q9tac Outcast Shield +29hp/-2stance- c/o 30e (hyori)
-q9str Celestial Shield +29hp/-2stance- r/b 20e
-q10tac Celestial Shield +29hp/-2ench- r/b 15e
-q10tac Skull Shield +29hp/-2ench- b/o 14e
-q11str Exalted Aegis +30hp/-2ench- c/o 65e (andy) r/b 75e
-q9str Exalted Aegis +28hp/-2ench- c/o 8e (perfect kid) r/b 25e
-q11tac Plagueborn Shield +30hp/-5(19%)- c/o 12e (hyori) r/b 20e b/o 30e
-q11tac Shield Of The Wing +45stance/-2stance- r/b 35e
-q12tac Bronze Shield +45stance/-2stance- r/b 35e
-q11tac Aegis +45ench/-2ench- r/b 35e
-q10str Diamond Aegis +45ench/+10vOgres- c/o 5e (burnic)
-NEW q13tac Tall Shield +41ench/+10vDemons-c/o 10e (perfect kid) r/b 25e
-NEW q12tac Skull Shield +60hex/-3hex- b/o 5e
-NEW q12tac Crude Shield +10vPierce/-2stance- b/o 10e (travie) pending trade
-NEW q10tac Shield Of The Wing +10vEarth/-2stance- b/o 4e
-NEW q11tac Tall Shield +10vCold/-5(20%)- b/o 6e
-NEW q11tac Round Shield +10vEarth/-2ench- b/o 18e
-NEW q13tac Wooden Buckler +10vSlash/-2stance- b/o 5e
-NEW q9str Bladed Shield +41stance/-2stance- c/o 10e (hyori)
-NEW q9tac Amber Aegis +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q13tac Tall Shield +10vEarth/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Bladed Shield +9vPierce/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Echovald Shield +44ench/-2ench- c/o 65e (seriouspokemon) r/b 85e
-NEW q9str Shadow Shield +10vUndead/-2ench- c/o 200e (in game)
-NEW q9tac Emblazoned Defender +30/-3hex- c/o 30e (generouswasme) r/b 70e
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +10vSlashing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +45ench/-2ench-
-NEW q10str Diamond Aegis +41ench/-2ench-
-NEW q11str Magmas Shield +41ench/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Shield Of The Wing +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Skull Shield -2ench/+30hp-
-NEW q9tac Ornate Buckler -2ench/+45ench- c/o 280e r/b met(FastGun via PM) b/o tba
-NEW q9tac Ornate Buckler +30hp/-5(20%)- c/o 20e (FastGun) r/b 225e
-NEW q9str Bronze Shield +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Round Shield +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Exalted Aegis -3hex/+45ench-
-NEW q8tac Exalted Aegis +42ench/-2ench-
-NEW q9tac Amber Aegis +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Spiked Targe +45ench/-2stance-
-NEW q9str Defender -3hex/+56hex-
-NEW q10tac Round Shield +44stance/+1Inspiration(20%)-
-NEW q12str Defender +43ench/+1curses(19%)-
-NEW q9tac Shield Of The Wing +10vPiercing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +10vSlashing/-2ench-
-NEW q12tac Gothic Defender +45ench/-2ench- c/o 20e (willow) r/b 60e b/o 80e
-NEW q12tac Emblazoned Defender +30hp/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac Emblazoned Defender +30hp/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Wooden Buckler +30hp/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Wooden Buckler +29hp/-5(20%)-
-NEW q11str Embossed Aegis +10vSlash/-2stance-
-NEW q9str Tower Shield +28hp/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac PRE NERF Reinforced Buckler +49hex/-5(18%)-
-NEW q10tac Spiked Targe +10vPierce/-2ench-
-NEW q11tac Tall Shield +43ench/Earth +1(20%)-
-NEW q10tac Shield Of The Wing +43ench/Protection +1(20%)-
-NEW q9tac Reinforced Buckler +30hp/Reduced Deep Wound 20%-
-NEW q12tac Reinforced Buckler +10vFire/-2stance-
-NEW q9tac Bladed Shield +41ench/-5(20%)-
-NEW q11tac Round Shield +10vBlunt/-2stance-
-NEW q10tac Aegis +43ench/+10vSlashing-
-NEW q13tac Bladed Shield +44stance/+10vSlashing-
-NEW q10tac Amber Aegis +45ench/+10vSlashing-
q9 os 15^50 weapons
-Shinobi Blade c/o-15e (andy) r/b 25e
-Gothic Sword(3x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Piercing Axe(2x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Scimitar(2x)- b/o 5e
-Celestial Axe- b/o 12e
-Forked Sword(2x)- b/o 5e/ea
-Longsword- b/o 5e
-Celestial Longbow(2x)-
-Plagueborn Daggers- b/o 9e
-NEW Double-Bladed Axe(2x)-
-NEW Short Sword(2x)- b/o 8e
-NEW Jade Longbow- b/o 5e
-NEW Kaineng Axe- b/o 10e
-NEW Mammoth Axe- b/o 10e
-NEW Hand Axe(canthan)- c/o 15e (generouswasme) r/b 25e
-NEW Marble Hammer- b/o 9e
-NEW Kris Daggers- b/o 4e
-NEW Amber Longbow-
-NEW Wicked Blade- b/o 8e
-NEW Bramble Shortbow-
-NEW Bramble Longbow-
-NEW Spiked Axe- b/o 7e
-NEW Cleaver(canthan)(2x)- b/o 12e
-NEW Halo Axe- b/o 15e
-NEW Dadao Sword- c/o 10e (andy)
-NEW Platinum Blade-
-NEW Sunqua Blade-
-NEW Dusk Blade- b/o 20e
-NEW Battlepick-
-NEW Archaic Axe-
-NEW Cleaver(tyrian)-
-NEW Golden Talons-
-NEW Shortbow(feathered)-
-NEW Jitte- c/o 10e (hyori) b/o 20e
-NEW Platinum Sickles-
-NEW Hooked Daggers-
-NEW Gilded Daggers-
-NEW Icy Dragon Sword-
-NEW Broadsword-
-NEW Brute Sword-
-NEW Bludgeoner-
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
-Bo Staff- Channeling; Blood(2x); Illusion; Air, Smiting-c/o 3e (trademeimfamous) Communing, NEW- Spawning - (also q10 20/10 Dom, Fire, Water, Smite, Curses, Channeling, Blood, Communing)
-Platinum Staff- Domination, Smiting, Spawning, NEW- Channeling
-Dragon Staff- Illusion; Spawning, Communing, Fire-
-Outcast- Channeling, Earth, Death, Smiting, Blood, Curses, Domination, Communing, Illusion
-Cockatrice- Earth
-Celestial Staff- NEW- Fire
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Dirks- b/o 6e
-Korambits- b/o 6e
-Celestial Daggers-
-Celestial Longbow- b/o 4e
-Half Moon- b/o 8e
-Jade Sword- b/o 20e
-NEW Longbow(wooden)- b/o 6e
-NEW Platinum Longbow- b/o 8e
-NEW Flatbow(wooden)- b/o 6e
-NEW Jade Daggers- b/o 6e
-NEW Runic Axe- r/b 15e b/o 20e
-NEW Dragoncrest Axe- c/o 10e (andy) r/b 30e
-NEW Marble Hammer- b/o 7e
-NEW Morningstar Axe- r/b 20e b/o 30e
-NEW Kris Daggers- b/o 5e
-NEW Broadsword- r/b 125e
-NEW Spiked Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Stilletos- b/o 5e
-NEW Dadao Sword- r/b 125e
-NEW Mammoth Axe(2x)- r/b 20e
-NEW Cleaver(canthan)- b/o 20e
-NEW Cleaver(tyrian)(2x)- b/o 20e
-NEW Piercing Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Hand Axe(tyrian)- r/b 20e
-NEW Gemstone Axe- r/b 20e
-NEW Double-bladed Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Plagueborn Sword- r/b 70e
-NEW War Axe- r/b 15e
-NEW Grinning Dragon Axe- r/b 25e
-NEW Shortbow(feathered)- r/b 7e
-NEW Celestial Sword- r/b 30e
-NEW Sickle(crescent)- r/b 125e
-NEW Gladius- r/b 15e
-NEW Battle Axe- r/b 15e
Random stuff
-q12 20/10 Dragon Staff-illusion- b/o 4e
-q11 20/10 Dragon Staff-water- b/o 4e
-NEW q11 Bo Staff- domination 20/20 inspiration-
-NEW q13 Bo Staff- illusion 20/20 inspiration-
-NEW q11 20/10 divine Bo Staff-
-NEW q12 20/10 divine Celestial Staff-
-NEW q13 os +5e Sickle- c/o 2e Blueberrypie b/o 5e
-NEW q10 os +5e Battlepick(420g value)-
-NEW q10 os +5e Broadsword(3x)- c/o 15e (andy) b/o 35e/ea
-NEW q10 os +5e Dragoncrest Axe-
-NEW q11 os +5e Fellblade-
-NEW q12 os +5e Piercing Axe-
-NEW q10 os +5e Cleaver(canthan)-
-NEW q11 os +5e Dadao Sword- c/o 2e (perfect kid)
-NEW q12 os +5e Shinobi Blade- c/o 10e (perfect kid)
-NEW q12 os +5e Crude Axe-
-NEW q13 os +5e Crenellated Sword- c/o 2e (blueberry) b/o 6e
-NEW q13 os +5e Runic Axe- b/o 2e
-->NEW q9 Broadsword 15%stance-
-->NEW q9 Katana 15%stance-
-->NEW q11 Cockatrice Staff water 20/20 water- c/o 10e (The Mountain) b/o 12e
---->NEW q13 Winged Staff smite 20/20 smite- c/o 10e (Minami) b/o 20e
---->NEW q9 Celestial Scepter-illusion- +5e(hexed)/HSR 10%- r/b 15e
---->NEW q9 Bo Staff- Water 20/20 Air- r/b 5e
---->NEW q9 Dragon Staff- Channeling 20/20 Spawning- r/b 5e
---->NEW q9 Healing Ankh +5armor(while casting)/HCT Protection 20%-
---->NEW q8 max +10e/(11-22dmg) Ghostly Staff- blood magic - HSR 0%/HCT 10%- c/o 1a (Zephyr); There is only HCT inherent (in gold). NO HSR INHERENT MOD- WHITE OR GOLD
---->NEW Unded Rift Warden- c/o 300e (unexpected oni) r/b 500e
---->NEW q9dom Topaz Scepter-
---->NEW q9dom Platinum Wand-
---->NEW q9 Colossal Scimitar(insc)- b/o 6e
---->NEW q9 Sephis Sword(insc)- b/o 6e
---->NEW q9 os Platinum Sickles 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Zodiac Daggers 15^ench- c/o 3e (CoffeeMan)
---->NEW q9 os Dadao Sword 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Fiery Dragon Sword 15^ench-
---->NEW q9 os Hand Axe(Canthan) 15^ench-
---->NEW q10 Jitte (inscripted)-
---->NEW q9 os Katana (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Jitte (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Hand Axe (canthan, NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Broadsword (NAKED/CLEAN)
---->NEW q9 os Shinobi Blade 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q10 os Broadsword 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q12 os Hand Axe(tyrian) 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW q12 os Ironwing Flatbow 15%/-1hp (DUAL VAMP)
---->NEW Drago's Flatbow-
---->NEW q9 Air Staff(normal) 20/20 air-
---->NEW q13 Dragon Staff- smiting prayers 20/20 smiting prayers- c/o 80e (minami) r/b 100e Selling soon!
---->NEW q12 Outcast Staff- curses 20/20 curses-
---->NEW q13 Bo Staff- divine favor 20/20 smiting prayers- b/o 10e
---->NEW q11 Outcast Staff- spawning 20/20 restoration-
WTB q9tac Bladed Shield +30/-2ench and +30/-2stance- paying very well!
Jamie Amare
kring of the peloi
5e ea on +5 hand axe,long sword and jade sword please
10e on 15^50 broadsword
12e b/o sotw +10v Earth/+29
Ign: Dwaynas mini panda
10e on 15^50 broadsword
12e b/o sotw +10v Earth/+29
Ign: Dwaynas mini panda
Bo Air - 15e
Plagueborn Water - 10e
IGN: 'Ciri Lawson'
Plagueborn Water - 10e
IGN: 'Ciri Lawson'
b/o 14e on q10 tac Echovald Shield +30hp -3wHex
b/o 10e on q9 tac Skeleton Shield +30hp -5(19%)
5e on q10 tac Bladed Shield +10vPiercing +28hp
10e on q9 os 15^50 Shinobi Blade
5e ea on 2x q9 os 15^50 Katanas
5e ea on 2x q9 os 15^50 Fiery Dragon Swords
5e on q9 os 15^50 Gemstone Axe
5e on q9 os 15^50 Stone Crusher
5e on q9 os 15^50 Chromium Shards
3e on q9 os 15^50 Vertebreaker
10e on q9 +5e Long sword
b/o 10e on q9 tac Skeleton Shield +30hp -5(19%)
5e on q10 tac Bladed Shield +10vPiercing +28hp
10e on q9 os 15^50 Shinobi Blade
5e ea on 2x q9 os 15^50 Katanas
5e ea on 2x q9 os 15^50 Fiery Dragon Swords
5e on q9 os 15^50 Gemstone Axe
5e on q9 os 15^50 Stone Crusher
5e on q9 os 15^50 Chromium Shards
3e on q9 os 15^50 Vertebreaker
10e on q9 +5e Long sword
Miss Deelahka
-Forbidden Staff-Domination 15e
-Bo Staff- Illusion 15e
-Platinum Staff- Illusion 15e
-Dragon Staff- Domination 15e
q9 dom Celestial Scepter HSR 10%/ HCT 20% Illusion 5e
-Bo Staff- Illusion 15e
-Platinum Staff- Illusion 15e
-Dragon Staff- Domination 15e
q9 dom Celestial Scepter HSR 10%/ HCT 20% Illusion 5e
kring of the peloi
Didn't see those there 8e on The chromium shards + 10/+28 bladed
12e +5 long sword
12e +5 long sword
teh bestest is here
q9 os 15^50 weapons
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword 4e
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 5e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 3e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 4e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Bo Staff Domination 20/10 25e
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 10e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword 4e
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 5e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 3e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 4e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Bo Staff Domination 20/10 25e
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 10e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
30e each on dom bo and dragon staff
sry, retract
already i have one,,
already i have one,,
Bo Air - B/O 25e
Butterfly Knives q9 15^50 - 2e
Celestial Daggers q9 15^50 - 1e
Zodiac Daggers q9 15^50 - 2e
Celestial Daggers q9 15^50 - 1e
Zodiac Daggers q9 15^50 - 2e
q9 os 15^50 Longsword - 5e
q9 os 15^50 Vertebreaker - 6e
q9 os 15^50 Butterfly Knives - 3e
q9 os 15^50 Chromium Shards - 10e
q9 +5e Hand Axe(tyrian) - 8e
q9 +5e Long Sword - 14e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 15e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +29hp -2ench - 10e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench - 8e
NEW q12tac Bladed Shield +43ench -2ench - 5e
q9 os 15^50 Vertebreaker - 6e
q9 os 15^50 Butterfly Knives - 3e
q9 os 15^50 Chromium Shards - 10e
q9 +5e Hand Axe(tyrian) - 8e
q9 +5e Long Sword - 14e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 15e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +29hp -2ench - 10e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench - 8e
NEW q12tac Bladed Shield +43ench -2ench - 5e
kring of the peloi
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench - 10e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench - 15e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 20e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +29hp -2ench - 20e
-q13 os +5e Jitte - 3e
-q12 os +5e Broadsword - 3e
-q11 20/10 Dragon Staff-domination - 5e
q9 +5e longsword - 15e
q9 +5e hand axe - 10e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench - 15e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 20e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +29hp -2ench - 20e
-q13 os +5e Jitte - 3e
-q12 os +5e Broadsword - 3e
-q11 20/10 Dragon Staff-domination - 5e
q9 +5e longsword - 15e
q9 +5e hand axe - 10e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 22e
kring of the peloi
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 25e
NEW q11 tac Crude Shield +29hp -2stance - 3e
NEW q11 tac Crude Shield +29hp -2stance - 3e
teh bestest is here
q9 os 15^50 weapons
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword x3 6e each
-Katana x3 6e each
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 8e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 6e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 8e
-Chromium Shards 12e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 15e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword x3 6e each
-Katana x3 6e each
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 8e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 6e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 8e
-Chromium Shards 12e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 15e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
q9 os +5e Sephis Axe - 10e
q10 os +5e Broadsword - 10e
q9 15^50 Katanas x2- 7e ea
q9 15^50 Gemstone Axe - 7e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 28e
Cmon Bestest let me have something :P
q10 os +5e Broadsword - 10e
q9 15^50 Katanas x2- 7e ea
q9 15^50 Gemstone Axe - 7e
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 28e
Cmon Bestest let me have something :P
kring of the peloi
NEW q9 tac Echovald +30hp -5(19%) - 30e
q9 os +5e Sephis Axe - 20e
q9 os +5e Sephis Axe - 20e
Miss Deelahka
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 25e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 25e
-NEW Sickle(crescent)- 50e You know I need this
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 25e
-NEW Sickle(crescent)- 50e You know I need this

kring of the peloi
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 30e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 30e
NEW q11str Exalted Aegis +30hp -2ench 10e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 30e
NEW q11str Exalted Aegis +30hp -2ench 10e
miss shreddder
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 35e
Miss Deelahka
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 50e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 50e
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 50e
kring of the peloi
NEW q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 55e
miss shreddder
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 60e
teh bestest is here
q9 os 15^50 weapons
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword x3 6e each
-Katana x3 8e each
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 8e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 10e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 8e
-Chromium Shards 12e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 15e
-Sephis Axe 25
q10 os +5energy weapons
-Broadsword 15e
-Dragoncrest Axe 10e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
-Platinum Blade 3e
-Gladius 2e
-Fiery Dragon Sword x3 6e each
-Katana x3 8e each
-Scimitar 2e
-Celestial Sword 2e
-Falchion 2e
-Vertebreaker 8e
-Brute Sword 2e
-Flamberge 2e
-Celestial Axe 2e
-Broadsword 15e
-Piercing Axe 2e
-Gemstone Axe 10e
-Wingblade Sword 2e
-Longsword 8e
-Chromium Shards 12e
Staves: q9 OS 20/10
Dragon Staff Domination 20/10 25e
q9 os +5energy weapons
-Scimitar 10e
-Long Sword 15e
-Sephis Axe 25
q10 os +5energy weapons
-Broadsword 15e
-Dragoncrest Axe 10e
-Ghosly Staff
Divine 5e
Channeling 7e
q9 dom Celestial Scepter HSR 10%/ HCT 20% Illusion
Hypnotic Hannah
Hypnotic Hannah
Miss Deelahka
NEW q9 tac Tall Shield +10vSlash -2ench 70e
q9 dom Celestial Scepter HSR 10%/ HCT 20% Illusion 10e
q9 dom Celestial Scepter HSR 10%/ HCT 20% Illusion 10e
kring of the peloi
17e +5 longsword - 28e +5 sephis
bump.......sellin some q9 15^50 weapons soon and the q9 +5e's with interest that satisfies me; also going to get rid of the random stuff at bottom that has decent bids. the tall shield and iridescent may not be sold for another 36-48 hours, just depends if the bidding continues. a few other shields i will soon sell as well.
Also, if you see any shield not currently bid on that you'd pay even an ecto or two for, please bid before i merch some in the next day or so. not looking for much on the high req 3/4hp from perfect shields and random mod ugly skin ones. just want them gone.
Also, if you see any shield not currently bid on that you'd pay even an ecto or two for, please bid before i merch some in the next day or so. not looking for much on the high req 3/4hp from perfect shields and random mod ugly skin ones. just want them gone.
back to the top, gettin rid of those offered on today and tomorrow
r/b sephis axe +5e
75e sickle +5e
75e sickle +5e
Miss Deelahka
q10 str Tower Shield +10vFire -5(20) 5e
q10 str Spiked Targe +10vFire -5(20) 5e
q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 70e
Retract on Bo Staff Illusion
Dragon Staff Domination 40e
Sickle(crescent) 100e
q10 str Spiked Targe +10vFire -5(20) 5e
q9 str Iridescent +10vCold -2ench 70e
Retract on Bo Staff Illusion
Dragon Staff Domination 40e
Sickle(crescent) 100e
Bobbehs Smexy Sin
q9 str Ornate Shield +45wE +10vBlunt - 10e
Wika Sham
13e on the Gemstone Axe 15^50
bump, sellin items tomorrow (if i find time), otherwise monday they will be sold to the highest offer. and majority of the rest non bid items will be merched.
q10 tac Bladed Shield +10vPiercing +28hp - 10e
q12tac Bladed Shield +43ench -2ench - 10e
q11 tac Plagueborn Shield +29hp -2ench - 10e
IGN: Killer Balian
q12tac Bladed Shield +43ench -2ench - 10e
q11 tac Plagueborn Shield +29hp -2ench - 10e
IGN: Killer Balian
The Moon Spider
q10 tac Bladed Shield +10vPiercing +28hp- 15e
Some offers, better than merching at least 
q9 tac Spiked Targe +27hp -3hex- 1e
q10 tac Gothic Defender +27hp -2ench - 1e
q10 tac Celestial Shield +29hp -2ench -1e
q13 tac Celestial Shield +30hp -3wHex - 1e
q10 tac Tall Shield +28hp -2stance - 1e
q10 tac Zodiac Shield +27hp -2ench - 1e
-->NEW q11 Jitte 15^50 - 2e
-->NEW q11 Halo Axe 15^50 - 1e

q9 tac Spiked Targe +27hp -3hex- 1e
q10 tac Gothic Defender +27hp -2ench - 1e
q10 tac Celestial Shield +29hp -2ench -1e
q13 tac Celestial Shield +30hp -3wHex - 1e
q10 tac Tall Shield +28hp -2stance - 1e
q10 tac Zodiac Shield +27hp -2ench - 1e
-->NEW q11 Jitte 15^50 - 2e
-->NEW q11 Halo Axe 15^50 - 1e
q9, +5e Half Moon-r/b 8e
I'll take this for 8e.
I'll take this for 8e.
q9 +5e Forked Sword - 10e
q9 +5e Scimitar - 25e
q9 +5e Gemstone Axe - 10e
q9 +5e Piercing Axe - 10e
IGN: Dzine Wtb
q9 +5e Scimitar - 25e
q9 +5e Gemstone Axe - 10e
q9 +5e Piercing Axe - 10e
IGN: Dzine Wtb