Closed: Wts Os Shields
ursan ftw
q13 Str +10vUndead / +45e Shadow S/b 10e
Jigoku Nikki
New- q11 Tac 10vDemons/ -2s Skeleton
BO: 10e
BO: 10e
35e Dual Vamp Feathered
15e Dual Vamp Half Moon
PM with B/O's in mind, i do collect these so wont be reselling.
IGN Red Hawt Magic
15e Dual Vamp Half Moon
PM with B/O's in mind, i do collect these so wont be reselling.
IGN Red Hawt Magic
New- q9 Str +30/ 10vSlashing Defender - 20e
Layla the omega
Layla the omega
New- q9 Str +30/ 10vSlashing Defender
IGN: Luana rose
IGN: Luana rose
New- q9 Str +30/ 10vSlashing Defender - 35e
Layla the omega
Ooh ikki not you too
Layla the omega
Ooh ikki not you too
Saria Arcana
offering 40e for the mini Giant
25e q9 eternal. Flame wand
Emperor Kul
45e Feathered Longbow Dual Vamp
25e Dual Vamp Half Moon
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 50e
IGN:Emperor Kul
25e Dual Vamp Half Moon
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 50e
IGN:Emperor Kul
New- q9 Str +30/ 10vSlashing Defender - 60e
Layla the omega
Layla the omega
50e Feathered Longbow Dual Vamp
30e Half Moon Dual Vamp
30e Half Moon Dual Vamp
Emperor Kul
55e Feathered Longbow Dual Vamp
35e Dual Vamp Half Moon
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 70e
35e Dual Vamp Half Moon
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 70e
65e - Feathered Longbow Dual Vamp
80e - Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30
''Edit;New- q9 Tac +45e/ 10v Earth Crude - 150e
''Edit; Retract on Halfmoon, sorry was a bit confused... :c
Layla the omega
80e - Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30
''Edit;New- q9 Tac +45e/ 10v Earth Crude - 150e
''Edit; Retract on Halfmoon, sorry was a bit confused... :c
Layla the omega
75e Feather longhow dual vamp
45e half moon dual vamp
45e half moon dual vamp
Bump bump
New- q9 Tac +45e/ 10v Earth Crude - 200e
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 - Same (80e)
Q9 Defender 10 vs slash +30 - Same (80e)
Bump Bump !!
Bump bump **
Bump it up