Haven't played my old guild wars account in years. Need some prices checks.
Tormented Strength Shield of Fortitude - HP + 30 - Luck of the Draw - RPD - 5 20%
Eternal Shield of Fortitude - Luck of the Draw - RPD - 5% - HP + 30
Celestial Compass of Endurance - Energy + 12 Req 9 IM - Riders on Storm - Armor + 9 vs Lighting
Fiery Blade Axe of Shelter
Zodiac DAggers Req 10 DM - Damage 15% ^ 50% - Damage 20%
Icy Shinobi Blade of Defense - To the Pain - Damage 15% - Armor - 10
2x Primeval Armor Remnants
Mini Mad King Thorn Dedicated
Mini Lich Dedicated
Everlasting Destroyer Tonic.
Zealous Dhuum's Soul Reaper of Enchanting Perfect Req 9 SM
Mini MoX Undecaited
Price Check