Closed: closed

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


************closed, thanks for ur help



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Awesome q8 paper! id say that be 300-400e orso

Prot icon 75-100e possibly imo

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


thanks for your pc ikki

would like some more opinions (especially for paper) tho

Surge goes pre

Surge goes pre

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

I would never play off Occupy Wall St. for my guild name

We Are the 1 Percent


I've been inactive but I'll give it a spin. Should be accurate unless a lot has changed.

Icon I think is worth 100k-25e. Really not a great mod set or skin. Only thing it has going for it is q8.

Paper fan I think is worth 100e+. But I'm not gonna go as far as to say it's worth 300-400e. I think that could be a stretch. It's q8 and it's a paper fan which is great. And it has one decent mod. The other mod is useless IMO. If the other mod was an hsr, id be much happier giving it a much higher pc. Unfortunately it's not.

Either way they are nice drops and I could be wrong. Only way to know will be to list them for Sale.

Zephyr of Light

Zephyr of Light

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2013

In Z-Way We Trust.


I agree with surge.

Mods are far from favorable in any situation.
I'd see the icon go for 20-30e tops.
Kinda the same for the Paper Fan, just the skin will fetch value.
Id say anywhere between 75-150e..



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


paper fan is like 50-75e imo, as rare as it is the mods make it worthless, it only has the req + skin going for it which isn't all that special tbh.

icon i'd agree with the others.

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


Thanks for your ideas so far.
PC for paper now varies between 50 and 400e tho

one last price check maybe?

Rushin Roulette

Rushin Roulette

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2007

Right here


Another thing pulling down the Paper Fan is the DF requirement. r8 is great and all, but any monk worth his salt will focus on raising DF as high as possible. If it were Prot, healing and even Smiting, then the worth would be higher.

Id guess at around 100-125e for the Paper Fan (maybe put R/B at 100e and see where it goes from there depending on how many want it and if there is a collector willing to pay extra for this exact item)

Great skin
nice requirement
perfect stats on the mods (no one off on either)

Mods themselves are a Meh combination
DF instead of a universally usable line (Only primary Monks)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Houston, TX

The Academy [PhD]


I think Ikki is closer to correct on the fan.

It's q8 and DF.

400e is definitely optimistic though.

I'd wager that it is closer to 250e ~~