selling some stuff here
unded vizu s/b 550e
el knight s/b 50e
q10 vs s/b 75e
envoy sword s/b 200e
q11 eternal blade s/b 270e
q11 emeralde blade s/b 45e
ONE mixed dye (blue yellow purple in this order) s/b 20e
100 consets 2e each
q12 clockworkscythe s/b 4e
torivos rage s/b 4e
cele compasses
q11 earth s/b 20e
q10 df s/b 8e
q13 estorage s/b 3e
q9 estorage s/b 25e
q9 fire outcast staff 20/10 s/b 15e
q9 strength eternal shield -2wE +28hp s/b 10e
q11 strength eternal shield -2wE +27hp s/b 3e
q9 strength eternal shield -2wS +10 arm vs lightning s/b 25e
ign: shaya karaya
tobi's thread
bring this up
vizu s/b reduced to 550e
vizu s/b reduced to 550e
s/b mixed dye
torivos rage s/b 4e
IGN: Chalupa of Death
IGN: Chalupa of Death