hey guys
Chaos Axe q10 15^50 os
Echovald q10 strength -3 hexed +10 vs slashing
Sharktooth 14/q6 blue
Jellyfish Wand q10 Air +15/-1, 10%HSR
Plagueborn Scepter q12 death +5^50 10% HCT
thank you very much!
update* Chaos Axe, Wands, Shields
X Chilli
X Chilli
up up up
Id merch all the oldschools. Chaos 10-30k possible i guess
jellyfish 25ecto
sharktooth up to 50-75ecto imo
plagueborn 3-5ecto top
sharktooth up to 50-75ecto imo
plagueborn 3-5ecto top