Q8 shields

Dj souls

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2015

Gothic Defender, str q8/16, +7(vs dragons) non-inscript.
Ornate Buckler, tactics q8/15, inscript-able
Wooden Buckler, q0/8, +29(while enchanted)
They're all blue skins.

There goes the title.
rq4 divine +9energy, divine symbol, +20 HP, inscription, blue skin

also I'd like to discuss theoretical prices for rq3 and below weapons, especially req0.

Dj souls

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2015

bring up my post



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


I'd merch all of those.

Also, I don't think there's any worth in non-max items, no matter how rare they are. There's simply no demand for them...


Belle Dwayna

Belle Dwayna

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Barradin Estate



Originally Posted by MaxBorken View Post
Also, I don't think there's any worth in non-max items, no matter how rare they are. There's simply no demand for them...
You're not totaly right on this point.

Some "SC players" are looking for low req daggers, scythes and bow. I know daggers with req5 are appreciated in uw, a friend asked me once a bow with low req for urgoz for example.

So there is a market for these items, if they are gold and inscr or with a corresponding base.

You're right about the others, only merchant will accept them with pleasure.