PC demon shield


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2015


Hi, looking for a PC on the following:

gothic defender q9 tactics
-2 enchanted



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2012

id think 250e plus surly...nice skin, perfect doa...should fetch a pretty penny



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Years ago, that would have sold for 1750e in a heartbeat when DoAsc was at its peak.

But the botters have farmed the life out of these skins, dropping the value. It is still a very nice shield though- those mods are not replicable with inscriptions, and it's a rare skin, making this a status symbol for DoA. There will be interest, but no where near what you would have got a few years ago.

Tentatively I'd say 500-750 range, but that will require a bid war. It is also possible that Dwayna will want it for her Demons shield collection. Gregor might want it for his Gothic Defender collection. It could go much higher if the right people bid war over it. Don't sell it in game -you will get low offers and end up ripping yourself off. List it for sale here, and don't take bids by pm - pm bids are private so the other interested parties don't have a chance to outbid. Be smart, and you can maximise the price.


Belle Dwayna

Belle Dwayna

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Barradin Estate



I don't totaly agree with you Max on this one.

When DoA was at his peak, only health shields were very wanted, the use of -2/ench is quite recent, with the new tactics like 205hp for Jadoth.

On the other side, I agree with the bid war, if you have 2 or 3 people interested in it, it can raise the sky but otherwise I'd say like brewster220.

You'd lose you bet on this one, I won't bid war for -2/ench +10, maybe a +10 -2 but I don't have stacks to ectos to spend in no health shields.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Naturally I defer to your expertise in DoA, Dwayna - it's your back yard, and I have completed it once.

However over the last 6 years, I have sold many demons shields to speedclearers, and most have been -2/ench. I sold an r11 amber aegis +10-2/ench for 195e for example. I have seen r9 +10-2 echovalds sell for 1500+, and r12 gothics with +10+45 go for 500.

I don't know DoAsc tactics, but I know that demons shields with +45 (preferred) or -2 while enchanted always sell well to the speedclearers.


Belle Dwayna

Belle Dwayna

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Barradin Estate



Originally Posted by MaxBorken View Post
However over the last 6 years, I have sold many demons shields to speedclearers, and most have been -2/ench. I sold an r11 amber aegis +10-2/ench for 195e for example. I have seen r9 +10-2 echovalds sell for 1500+, and r12 gothics with +10+45 go for 500.

I don't know DoAsc tactics, but I know that demons shields with +45 (preferred) or -2 while enchanted always sell well to the speedclearers.
I give you this point, for speedclear in general, but as we said, it mostly depends on who have interest when it's sold. I bought an echovald +45ench +10demons for only 250e just because I was alone on it.

Some people ask me ig for pc on demons shields, and my answer is "idk but I wouldn't pay more than xxx e", what I think would be reasonable but DoA players are not reasonable when it comes to find a new sexy shield ^^

The best way for these kind of shields is to put it for sale and see where it goes. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes for 500+, but i won't be part of that


Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006


I can see the doa shield go for 500-750e or even more.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2012


I sold a shield like this (if its not the same) for 500e. That was some months ago.

So maybe meanwhile price range should between 500-650e (if some1 is really interested in this skin).




Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2012

Online Pirates [oP]


500-750e imo.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2015


Hey guys thanks alot for all the PCs and feedback and information. Much appreciated , not sure yet to sell it or keep it. Either way more than enough information for me to clear the sky. Best regards!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2012

ya would deff say 750 would be its max point unless as borkenator stated there was some heavy bid war action on it...nice shield fo sho tho