Good evening,
Need pc on:
q10 Stormbow +15^50 , 20^20, +30 hp
q13 Stormbow +15^Hexed, +30hp
q8^16 Tactics Wooden Buckler -5^19%
All are golden.
Also Need some pc's on:
VS q10
VS q12
Dragonic Aegis q9 (Tac)
CC q10 Earth
CC q11 Illusion
CC q9 Divine
BDS q11 Water
BDS q11 Soul Reaping
Thanks for some informations (:
Closed: OS Stormbows and q8 Wooden Buckler + some other stuff
little buddah
Q10 5-10e q13 merch for storm bows I'd march the shield if it's only that one mod