Q13 energy crysta

Zephyr of Light

Zephyr of Light

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2013

In Z-Way We Trust.


One suddenly pops up out of nowhere when I (and probably alot of you) thought the only energy crysta around was being custod by Max.

However, should this one float at the same value?, or more because this may very well be the very very very last OS energy crysta in the game?

And besides, is it real or a hoax?

For sale link : http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/c...t10544001.html



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Its real. I'm looking at it in my trade window in game right now.

Value? Whatever someone will pay. I thought I had the only active one. And it's gold value is the same as mine too.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon INT1


My old Account:

This is a real offer.


After my last post I remembered my original password! :-D

So I hope everything is clear now and nobody thinks its Photoshop.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

hehe i remember these two from time before i quit in 2011, i allways knew there were these two q13s

Besides these there is atleast q11 one i saw back i day

Anyway. the last max bought was 500a orso, atleast same for this

edit@ to add here i remember it very well ppl though it was same back in day until they both get for sale in same time like 2010/11 and then ppl noticed there were two q13 +5es crystas with same value ;P

hehe they were up (or atleast one of em was sold) for 1750e back then ;D

Welcome back Cracky! allways nice see old faces and avatars here!
I remember u share avatar with "Kartman" who ironically has one of the epic old +5es too. hes only guy with tyrian +5e serpent axe afaik in gw ;D



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

u know where my spot is !

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer.


ok so humm since pretty much every nice crysta been custo i hope for you ppl wil have $ to pay for that beauty. Pretty sure you already know what the last one sold for so you can expect about the same.

.... ye i logged in just for that


Ham Rock

Ham Rock

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

the Netherlands



I finally came to peace with Max customizing his Crystalinne. Then this pops up. My hopes shot back up and I immediately started running around, figuring out a way on how I could afford it. Then I did some maths and came to the conclusion that if I saved every penny I spend since I started collecting I still couldn't afford it. Maybe anyone here wants to give me a small loan of a few hundred armbraces? :P

I can't imagine seeing this go below 500 armbraces. Atleast I'm glad to see that dwayna put an end to all the childish bidding. An item like this doesn't deserve such pathetic bids or comments.


Belle Dwayna

Belle Dwayna

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Barradin Estate



Correct me if I'm wrong but I saw the last one in Kamadan for 400a before Max finally bought it.

I don't know if I'm ready to go that high, but ye Emma, this kind of item deserve better than the childish bindding. I hope it'll end in the hands it deserves, somewhere it'll be able to rest for the last days of gw.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2009

London UK

Teh Academy [PhD]. Officer. Gentleman


Every now and then a cataclysmic event happens, and one of the ancient legends stirs from its slumber. These legends cause shockwaves felt the whole world over, and this is one of those items. Like Akh's r8 15^50 crystalline, or the r8 +30-5 Magmas.

The inevitable scramble to try and afford such a piece is always exciting.

And let's be honest, these items are the reason we spend time in Kamadan spamming.

It deserves to lie with a collector who can appreciate it for its rarity and history, and not resold by some kid for a bit of profit. It's current owner, Cracky is a really nice guy, and frankly if he decides to keep it then all will be right with the world, as he appreciates it as I have described. I spoke to him in game, and showed him it's twin.

From my point of view, owning the identical pair would be very special.....




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon INT1


Originally Posted by Pleikki View Post
hehe i remember these two from time before i quit in 2011, i allways knew there were these two q13s

Besides these there is atleast q11 one i saw back i day

Anyway. the last max bought was 500a orso, atleast same for this

edit@ to add here i remember it very well ppl though it was same back in day until they both get for sale in same time like 2010/11 and then ppl noticed there were two q13 +5es crystas with same value ;P

hehe they were up (or atleast one of em was sold) for 1750e back then ;D

Welcome back Cracky! allways nice see old faces and avatars here!
I remember u share avatar with "Kartman" who ironically has one of the epic old +5es too. hes only guy with tyrian +5e serpent axe afaik in gw ;D
Crazy seeing the hype around this Item. Every 5minutes ppl message me if they can see it, like wtf.

Very nice to see you still hanging around here mate!



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I'm going to have to close this price check--we are getting a bit off tangent. If you wish to discuss the good ole' days....start a topic in traders (or riverside ).

Suffice it to say....the sword is just about priceless, so Cracky can just about ask whatever he wants for it.